A Shining Sky of Light - NCT

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16 So God made the two larger lights, the sun to rule over the day and the moon to rule over the night; he also made the stars. 17 He placed the lights in the sky to shine on the earth, 18 to rule over the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God was pleased with what he saw.

- Genesis 1:16-18


Renjun slid onto the floor of the dance room, breathing heavily.





"Come on Hyung," Jeno said, reaching out a hand to pull him up. "We're done here for tonight. You too Jaemin-ah."

The three had stayed behind to practise the dance for NCT Dream's next comeback. It was their hardest choreography yet.

"We should go through it one more time," Renjun said as he brushed himself off. It wasn't even that late, only midnight. They had time to go over it a couple more times.

"Hyung, you're exhausted; we all are. We need to get back and get some decent sleep," Jeno said. He picked his bag and headed towards the door. Admitting defeat, Renjun did the same.

"Are you coming, Jaemin?" He asked before the two were out the door. The youngest of the three had been acting weird all night; fidgety and quiet as if he was nervous. "Jaemin?"

The younger looked up from his feet to his two closest friends.

"Can I tell you guys something?"

Renjun and Jeno looked at each other with nervous glances, but dropped their bags and went to stand with their friend.

"Of course, Jaemin-ah. What's up?" Jeno said first, placing a soft hand on the younger's shoulder.

"You can tell us anything," the Chinese boy confirmed, holding Jaemin's hand.

Renjun couldn't help his heart from fluttering at the proximity of the three of them. For as long as he could remember, he had had feelings for the two boys beside him. They fluctuated, of course, as he questioned the morality of falling for two boys and as he was researching polyamory. But they were always there.

Renjun knew, however, that the possibility of these feelings being reciprocated was little to none, so he shoved thoughts of how beautiful Jaemin and Jeno were, in favour of caring for one of his best friends.

The Chinese male watched his friend swallow thickly, before realising the younger's hands were shaking.

"Jaemin-ah, we're here for you no matter what, ok?" Renjun prodded gently. "Tell us what's wrong. We're here."

"I-" He involuntarily froze as Jaemin locked eyes with him and Jeno in turn, before continuing. "I don't expect you to feel the same as I do.. or that you understand at all... I just..."

Slow tears started rolling over Jaemin's cheeks.

"I... I really like you guys."

Renjun froze.

"Both of you." Jaemin took a deep breath. "I know it's weird but I can't hide it any longer. I just really like the both of you and I- I'm sorry I feel like this." By the time he had finished rambling, Jeno had swept him into a hug. Renjun, however, had dropped the younger's hand.

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