better watch what you're doing

150 5 2

Wheezy is pretty much drooling at this point and I don't even want to know what dice is thinking about with that hard-on. ugh where is that shit head? "I'm gonna look for Devi. It was fun meeting y'all." I wave at everyone as i make my way twords the direction he disappeared in.

I ran into some kind of hallway and saw him on a set of stairs. "There you are" he made a pose and said "yes indeed, your room's all ready" i raised an eyebrow at him. "What were you doing in there anyway? And don't say cleaning 'cause we both know you" he lost his pose and scratches the back of his head. "Ohijustwentthroughyourstuff" he said at such a high speed no-one would understand him. "Unless you've forgotten I'm also a demon of higher rank than a literal imp and second YOU PERV!!!" He came down the stairs holding his hands up in the air. "I was just curious" i rolled my eyes. "curious my ass, by the way what's up with 'really horny' and 'far gone' over there? They look like they haven't cum in over a century" i point with my thump behind me at Wheezy and Dice. Devi burst out laughing. "Don't mind them. They're just not used to seeing such a smoking hot demon such as yourself." I looked away. "Yeah, yeah, of course they'll think that about my more human appearance. I bet you have loads of women and men falling for you with that sixpack and scruffy beard." I nudge him in the side. "Hehe... I just don't understand why you shrink in size" I glare at him. It's true, i am a lot smaller than him and those two back there. "It's not like i asked to be smaller you dick head" even though I prefer my smaller form. I don't really know why i just do. "Yeez someone has a short fuse" "i will literally stab you in your sleep" he just lifted his shoulders. " I'm sorry you know i love teasing you. You're so cute when you're angry. You're tail does those small wags like a whip almost and your wings fluff up." I blush. "Shut up shit face!" He grabbed me and lifted me into a hug "you know you love me too." I just growl and hang limp in his embrace. He sat me back down on the ground. "Why don't you have a look at your room and I'll have a little talk with my staff?" I nodded my head. "Sure, i have nothing better to do" i walk upstairs and see a room with the door open. That cheeky bastard, the room had (f/c) accents and overall dark tints wicht i love. There was a box on my bed as well next to my open suitcase. It read "here's some of your favorite tools from the lust sector, if you start missing work ;-)" aw, Devi knows me all to well.

Devil's POV
I walk over to dice and Wheezy who are for once not arguing at the bar, but instead talking about their encounter with (y/n). "King dice, Mister Wheezy i see you're having a fun talk" i gave a fake smile. "You never told us you had a sister in hell boss" dice said. "Yeah, about her..." I grabbed them both by the collar, dice in my right hand and Wheezy in my left. "If you break (y/n)s heart or do something funny to her, i will personally torture you until you are both begging me to give you the sweet release of death... Got it?" They both start shaking their heads yes and muttering words along the lines of 'yes boss'. "Good" i let them go and they both drop to the ground. I turn back around and leave to do more of my... Ugh... Casino owner duties.

Your POV.
I went back down to get myself a drink. Since I was a demon i could handle a lot of alcohol and i mean a lot of alcohol, yet i preferred more Laidback drinks. I stood at the bar and order a classic mojito. Next to sat to the duo i met earlier, but now they looked a Little cautiously at me. "What up your ass'?" I commented. "Uh... Nothin sugar." Wheezy scratched the back of his head, dices eyes never leaving me. After an awkward 2 minutes dice stud up. "You are pretty small for a higher up, even our succubuses are taller than you. Even i am taller than you and Wheezy might i add" this made the cigar burn in anger. "You asshole! I get it, you're 6.4ft (1,95m) and I'm 6.3ft (1,92m). Can ya fucking stop bringing it up? It's become quite annoying" the two of them started arguing with one another over the matter. What weird folk. But dice was right, in this form I'm about 5.2ft (1,58m) my full form is much bigger though, around 14ft (4,26m). I wasn't in that form a lot'cause it is one hell of an inconvenience to deal with being that tall. Not only that but my voice and appearance were a little more on the demonic side.

"Ugh, you two are sooooooooo annoying" i sipped from my drink. The men stopped their child like fight and focused back to me, it even looked like they'd forgotten i was here in the first place. "Oh, I'm so sorry doll. I promise i can show you a good time as well" he smiled at me, there was something genuine about it but mostly mischievous. "Don't listen to that die head, I'll make you times worth." Wow... So competitive these two... This will be fun.~ "well we are in a casino, maybe we can play a game or two?" I look up at them, giving them both the same amount of eye contact. "Sure! I can set up a table and-" i interrupted dice. "Are you guys sure you want to gamble with me? I rarely lose and i play with pretty high stakes." My voice was just a tad bit laced with something deeper. They both shared a glance with each other and then "we're in (y/n)"

*Little time skip*

I sat comfortably at the poker table, an old but good game. Dice was dealing at my right and Wheezy sat at my left. Dice was shaking up the deck smoothly. "So what are ya big stakes" wheeze asked while taking a sip of his Scotch. "If one of you win you get a kiss from me.." i saw a subtle blush creep up on dices face, his eyes focused on the cards. While wheezy on the other hand was making direct eye contact with me. "And if i win i get to spank the one with the lowest score" a small grin settled onto my lips, as dice stopped shuffling and Wheezy almost spat out his sip. "Spank? As in a smack to the ass?" Dice asked casually, continuing with his cards. "Yup, that kind~" i chuckled a little. "Don't laugh now toots, 'cause if we win -and we will- we get a kiss. So you better be ready to pucker up"
I calmly laid my head on my hand, that was propped up with my elbow. "I am" my words were calm, a little lower than usual. The order we were playing in was dice then Wheezy then me. This was gonna be fun. "I'm ready" dice hase laid out the first cards. I already see that i have two aces, one on bored and one in hand. And then two tens. Dice went first, that's an unlucky hand. Then Wheezy burst out laughing. "Looks like that first kiss is for me~" he also had a ten in hand. "I'm sorry dice" i begone as i laid down my cards. "Seems like the first spank is for you" Dice swallowed audible. I stood from my chair and so did dice. "How are you-" i bent him over on the table and a loud smack was heard followed by an even loud 'fuck!' from the man. You weren't kidding when you meant spank. "That sounded like it hurt" Wheezy spoke up. "NO SHIT!" Dice angrily yelled out at his friend. He sat down hissing. I had long returned to my seat. "I'm getting that kiss" dice grumbled out while shuffling and dealing again. And so the same order took place but this time dice had high numbers. "Ready (y/n)?" He smirks as he drools a bit. "I am" i lay down my cards. "Royal flush" i winked at dice "i think you mean royaly fucked" Wheezy said while bending over the table. Another hard spank was delt. "Damn that is hard, shit" he sat back down.

My winning streak was rising and the spanks were being delt left and right. At this point the man were just playing on who will get spanked and forgotten about the kiss part. Wheezy had a high number, higher than dice and higher than me. Oh well, can't win every time. Dice was already bent over in defeat, but before any of them could say something i grabbed Wheezys face and gave him a small smooch on his lips. The men froze in place.

I yawed and stretched my body. It was already past midnight. "I'm tired, I'm gonna go to bed" you started to walk when dice got up and grabbed your wrist. "T-that's not fair, i want to keep playing until I get a kiss too!" Wheezy was still looking starstruck sitting at the table. Ugh i really don't want to play anymore, my arm was getting tired too. I turned around on the tips of my toes and gave dice the same treat as Wheezy. "There, 'cause you asked so nicely" dice had let go of your wrist and you took this as an opportunity to leave. Heading straight to bed.

??? POV

Dice touched his lips with his gloved fingertips. He started turning a nice violet color. "She's really something ain't she?" Wheezy stated almost drunk from the kiss. These two man had a lot coming their way after today. They're probably wondering "what the fuck did i get myself into?"


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I know this story probably looked abandoned but I just didn't have time

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2022 ⏰

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