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I rub my sweaty palms on my jeans as I sit at the table with Stephen. Loic was in the kitchen preparing our plates.

"Are you alright Goldie?"Stephen says, snapping me out of my worrisome daze.

"Of course."I smile.

He was still heavily feeling the effects of his treatment. I'm not even sure he'd be able to eat.

"You seem distracted."he says before clearing his throat.

Loic enters the room, both plates balanced on a tray in his right hand.

"Here you are sir."Loic says, placing Stephen's plate before him.

"I don't know how I'd get by without your wonderful cooking, Loic."Stephen says.

"High praise coming from you sir."Loic chuckles sitting my plate down in front of me.

"Goldie."Loic smiles before placing the tray under his arm and lifting the water pitcher to fill our glasses.

"Will that be all sir?"Loic asks, filling his glass before sitting the pitcher down.

"Yes, thank you. I'll see you for dinner."Stephen says.

"Thank you sir, you have a nice day. I'll see you later Goldie."Loic says before walking back to the kitchen.

Stephen looks down at his food and huffs?

"No appetite?"I ask as I hear the elevator ding, signaling that Loic left.

Stephen nods.

"Come oh hun, just try to get something in your stomach."I say softly.

He huffs and picks up his fork, making me smile.

"Do you know him?"Stephen asks before taking a bite.

"Know who?"I ask, eating as well.

"Loic, my chef."Stephen says, wiping his mouth with the cloth napkin he had on his knee.

"Well, yes. He's a friend of mine."I say.

"I think he likes you."he says, making me chuckle out of nerves.

"Have you given any extra thought to moving in with me?"Stephen says, picking up his glass of water and taking a small sip.

"Um, Stephen I still think it's a bit early for a move like that."I say.

He huffs.

"I still care about you Stephen, it's only that I'd rather have my own space at the moment."I say.

"I understand."he says.


I help him stand after putting away the food he had hardly touched.

I allow him to lean his weight on me as I walk him back to his bedroom.

"You're doing so well, you know."I say.

"Thank you. I'm not even trying."he grunts, making me chuckle as he sits down on his bed.

I lift his legs and set them under the covers as he leans back.

"Comfortable?"I ask, standing straight.

He nods.

"Will you lay with me?"he asks, making me smile.

I climb over him and lay down, laying my head on his shoulder as not to touch his port.

He smiles slightly as he turns on the tv.


I look down at his sleeping face, wondering what he was dreaming about.

I stand up carefully as to not wake him and quickly make my way towards the bedroom door.

I carefully step out and huff. I turn around and run right into Persilla, again.

"God damn it."I jump.

"Leaving so soon, Ms. Goldie?"she asks.

"Do you have a problem with me, Persilla?"I ask, folding my arms.

"Why would I have a problem with you, Helen?"She asks with a smile.

"Don't act like we're friends, you've been stink eyeing me since I started seeing Stephen."I say.

She chuckles and then smiles.

"Mr. James is a sensitive man, Ms. Goldie. And he likes you. He's dying, Ms. Goldie. I think you're going to need to stay with him."Persilla says

"Stephen and my relationship is strictly business not that it's any of your concern."I say, folding my arm.

"Helen, you're caring for him and his cancer. Are you a nurse?"Persilla asks.

"No."I huff.

"Then what part of that sounds like strictly business? Are you concerned about the cook?"she asks.

My throat goes dry.

"What about him?"I ask.

"Oh come on Goldie, a woman can tell when a man has heart eyes for someone. And his were practically throbbing at you."she says.

"That's none of your concern either."I say.

"Well. The chef makes good money. Just remember who gives it to him Ms. Goldie. I think you should stay."she smiles before walking away.

I huff as I look back towards Stephen's bedroom door.


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