Chapter Twenty-Eight - Iris

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I woke up to the feel of someone brushing my hair out of my face. I groaned, rubbing my eyes so that I could pry them open. God, you'd think they were super glued shut. My head was ringing loudly, and it felt like someone was hitting it with a sledgehammer.

Blinking my eyes open, I woke up to see Rafael sitting on the edge of his bed, holding a cup of water and two white pills in the other palm of his hand.

"Good morning."


I saw the corners of his lips tug up into a smile. "I said, good morning."

"My head," I whined, trying to sit up. Rafael set the water down and reached to help me sit up. I rested my head on the headboard and closed my eyes. "Fuck, my heads pounding."

"I know, baby. Here take this. It'll help." He placed the two pills in my awaiting mouth and cupped the back of my head as he helped me drink the water. I held onto his arm, and my fingers traced his forearm. "Do you know why you're here?" He asked.

"Yes, I called you."

"You did call me."

"I swam in your pool."

"You did. Naked." He clarified. I blushed because I did remember that. The cold water of the pool helped sober me up. "I'm glad even though you were drunk, you called me to pick you up."

"Did I do anything embarrassing?" I asked,

"Embarrassing?" He repeated, "Nothing you could ever do in front of me is embarrassing."

"You're doing that thing again."

I saw him raise a brow, "What thing?"

Making me fall deeper in love with you.

I shook my head. "Nothing. Where's Elle?"

"She's still passed out. I just had Miguel check up on her to see if she's still alive. Drinking that much, I'm surprised you didn't get alcohol poisoning."

"I was happy and sad."

"Why were you sad?" His face changed from confusion to anger, "Did anyone talk to you?"

"No, I was sad because you were the first person I wanted to tell. Sad, because I missed you. Sad, because you didn't trust me."

"I wish I could take it back, take it away, erase it somehow, but I can't." He shook his head, earnest eyes staying on me as he leaned closer to me. "You're everything I want in my life, and I'll do whatever you need to make it up to you."

"Were you serious about that thing you told me when you stopped by my office?" I asked nervously, changing the subject.

"What thing? Be specific."

"You know." I motioned with my hands, "That thing you said."

The sheepish grin on his face told me he knew exactly what I was talking about.

"C'mon, Iris, use your words. I know you can."

"About making me your wife, and uh putting a baby in me," I whispered the last part, and my cheeks were so hot you could have mistaken it for sunburn.

"Yes, I was serious."

"When?" I blurted out.

The grin on his face widened. "When am I going to make you my wife, or when am I going to fuck you until you're pregnant?"

I swallowed, my throat suddenly drier than the Sahara Desert. "Both."

"I've fucked my hand to the thought of your belly swollen with my baby too many times to count."

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