It's just the Beginning

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Hello everyone. This book is made by 3 depressed idiots. This will revolve around Y/N. a guy who couldn't move on from his past, which drives him to do something a bit too much.

This won't be possible without the help from this two weirdo.

This won't be possible without the help from this two weirdo

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Well, onto the story. Oh wait, Before I forgor. We three have decided that this book will contains content from the past. Everything will be here. Gen by Gen, also some unrelated to Hololive Vtubers. and apparently, this book will have... "Him", So it'll take some for Updates because of research and some petty arguments on who's best girl (Rushia and Yagoo)


"It's still not stable because of this. Not it should be."

In a basement. it was a gloomy place where the only thing you currently hear are welding sounds, sparks and metals.


Y/N L/N, a 19 years old special guy, his eyes were rare and beautiful, in colors, they appeared to be made up of an array of ruby-sapphire-diamond pastel tones that fade into one another as they circle his irises.

His silver-opal hair were also a great pair that catches his beauty. but he never took a look from himself, he never felt anything from looking at a mirror. All he see was a person, shackled by his sad past.

"I finally finished it... AFTER ALL THESE YEARS!"

Y/N is overjoyed, he jumped for a while in hype as he hugged his creation. he put it back to the desk and put all the light in the room towards it. a Pocket Watch.

But in reality, this Pocket Watch is not your run of the hill ones, this one is made by pure dedication and passion. along with completely covering it with science and brilliance of his.

Y/N finally produced his long wish, a Time-Traveling Device.

But, What is Time Travel? Well, to put it simply. Time travel is the concept of movement between certain points in time , analogous to movement between different points in space by an object or a person, typically with the use of a hypothetical device known as a time machine.

Y/N picked up his phone and called one of his friend with a huge smile of his. The call was picked up by his friend that he was calling to. After picking it up, Y/N can clearly hear that pouring water on the other side.

Jiro: Yo wassup?

Y/N: Yeah, it's me. Are you... in the shower?

Jiro: Is there a problem? I need to look good in my presentation so I have to look more dignified.

Jiro said, Y/N can feel that smirk on his imaginary face, Y/N shrugs it off as he told Jiro the news. After telling him about the device. Jiro was speechless about it, it took him 30 second to talk with a stuttering voice.

Regrets One Can't Let Go (Hololive X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now