I'm dead...?

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"Like this." or 'Like this.' = Korean

"Like this." or 'Like this.' = English

"Like this." or 'Like this.' = Japanese

"Like this." or 'Like this.' = Germany or Spells (When chanting the spell for Magecraft)

I blinked as I stared at the white spaces in front of me

Where am I? One moment I'm walking to the convenient store to buy some snacks and after that.....

I... don't remember.....

"Where is this? Am I dreaming?" I muttered

No... No, it's not a dream. None of them is so clear like this. Right now my mind isn't a mess and everything around me is clear, very clear. This is too real for this to be a dream, so no, this is not

To prove my point, I began to pinch my hand and like I thought, I feel sting sensation come from it. I can feel pain, which mean this is clearly not a dream

That leave me with one question

"How the f*cking hell I got here?" I cursed in English as I began to take a look of my surrounding

White... As far as I can see, everything is white..... No matter how far my eyes looking is, all I can see is white... A very large white spaces..... There's nothing but white spaces and me...



"Hey there, young lady!"

Then, suddenly out of nowhere someone appeared in front of me. And when he spoke, I jump. Yes, I really, really jump. Then I tripped from my position frantically and fell to the ground

"What th-the f*ck?!" I yelled in English as I fell to my butt, my eyes frantically glued to the being that suddenly appeared in front of me

My breath rate increased and I can feel that my heart beat become faster than the normal rate

He..... the one who's around in his fifty(?) and clad in gentleman suit with black billowing cape, having spiky gray hair and beard. He stared at me with a smirk on his face and eerie crimson red eyes, I have no doubt... that he's a someone that I know well

"How rude, did you swear to everyone you just meet?" He asked me in Japanese

I narrowed my eyes, slowly I push myself to stand and inwardly gulped

"Y-You're... Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, right?" I asked him back with Japanese, trying to be brave. "And why am I here?!"

He blinked his red eyes at me, the smirk on his face still remain as he spoke, "Well, looks like that you know me huhhh..... And you clearly a bit polite than the previous one. Normally, they instantly said, "Where the f*ck am I old man?!" or things like that."

Previous... one?

Ughhh..... That sentence really makes my spine chill for a moment

I'm certainly a fan of Fateverse or should I say Nasuverse. And while I found the Animes and the Games amusing, amazing, and fun, but I never try to dig to the deeper about Zelretch-san. All my knowledge about him only come from Fanfiction and Wattpad I read from internet

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