Traveling with Miss Bazett

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"Like this." or 'Like this.' = Korean

"Like this." or 'Like this.' = English

"Like this." or 'Like this.' = Japanese

"Like this." or 'Like this.' = Germany or Spells (When chanting the spells for Magecraft)

"What?! Schweinorg's heiress?!?!?!"

They were in the dining room, still in that big European style mansion. And Sakura already finished eating a bunch of food worth one day for a person, that were already (magically) prepared in there, even though there weren't any butlers or maids in that mansion. Suspicious, but she didn't care at all. She was very hungry after all

Though, it was no wonder why she can eat that much, because it was exactly been two days since she eat. 1 day when she first blacked out from the black void portal or should she said The Second Magic, and 1 day when she blacked out from her Magic Circuits awakening

After she done eating, like Zelretch had promised, he explained all of the "amusement" thing he did to Sakura. First was with her unconsciousness and then... it was something that make Sakura..... horrified with terror

She shouted at Zelretch who was sitting across her. "NO! I don't want to become your family successor! Why would I anyway?! Don't be ridiculous! NO matter what you say, I wouldn't! NO way in hell!"

'Just think, why the f*ck would I want to be the successor to this damn vampire's family huh?! Seriously! Just the thought about what he will do to my life in the future after I truly become the heiress to this complicated, weird, and troublesome individual vampire's family, already gives me so much goosebumps! Knowing him, who's always being meddlesome in worldly affairs and frequently sparks conflicts, my life definitely wouldn't be peaceful at all! Even a little bit!' Sakura thought crazily in her mind

"Ohhh~ Do you want to become a homeless then?" Zelretch asked Sakura in a teasing tone

"What?! NO! What do you mean homeless?! I can earn money by myself! Just what's it for my part time job all this time to you huh?!?!?!"

'Really, just what the f*ck is he thinking about--'

"Hmmm... Considering that you don't exist in this world?"


Ahhh... right. Sakura forgot, that she had died in her old world. And now, she has reborned(?) in this oh so new world as a unknown immortal human thanks to this Dead Apostle Ancestor Motherf*cker

With that case, she definitely did not have any background nor identity to back her up for work let alone live in this world. The only thing she can do was just accept his offer and create a new identity in the name of the Wizard Marshall's family. Not that she had any choice in this anyway

Call it her guts, he in this world, certainly the one who has the biggest authority in here. The prime example of it was this big mansion. There was no way he who reincarnated(?) Sakura on a whim, can get this big mansion right away if he not have any authority in this world

Sakura wouldn't think how he get the authority, because it was obvious really. Made evident by his high ranking title of Wizard Marshal within the Mage's Association, both feared and admired by the majority of Maguses and Dead Apostle Ancestors alike in Nasuverse was not for nothing. His Magecrafts doubled with his Second Magic, nothing can get in his way and he definitely always got what he wants no matter what and how

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