Chapter XII

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"Iida, what did you need?" Kirishima asked as the four walked into the library, Sero looking at his mate skeptically.

"A personal matter? Truly you both don't have such little faith in me to actually get me to believe that." Iida stated bluntly while Sero's eyes widened before looking towards his friends, quickly noticing their change in posture.

"You guys? Please, it's been over 400 years. We haven't heard or seen from either of you. The least that could be acceptable is telling us the full truth." Sero sighed as he sat himself down on one of the lounge chairs.

"We have already told you everything. I don't know what else you want." Bakugou stated gruffly, as he too sat himself down on one of the chairs. Kirishima soon taking the one next to him.

"No, no you have not. You have not told us what gave you two the idea that Izuku was still alive. And you have not yet explained why on Earth you wouldn't at least alert us of this, even if you would not have allowed us to aid you in searching, we still could have at least kept an eye out, or tend to some of your duties for you." Iida stated while Kirishima only shook his head, Bakugou only clicking his tongue in annoyance before looking away from his friends.

"Please you two, at least explain how on Earth you knew he was still alive? We all saw Shig-."

"Don't. Say. His. Name." Bakugou interrupted coldly as he stared daggers at Iida.

"Fine. If you want to know so bad, we talked to All Might. We didn't want to accept what had happened, especially since it had been over five decades since Izuku.... B-But either way, we talked to him." Kirishima stated.

"All Might? I haven't seen much of him either. But what did he tell you exactly?" Sero questioned while Bakugou and Kirishima looked to each other, holding a silent conversation between themselves, while the other two Alpha's watched.

"He told us that since Izuku wasn't killed by another celestial or one of you guys, there was a chance that he was still alive. Though he said that Izuku could very well just be trapped somewhere on Earth, and that he was just unable to find us, or get in contact. He didn't ever once mention that Izuku could very well have turned human, get stuck in a reincarnation cycle, and forgotten literally everything." Kirishima stated while Bakugou nodded.

"I see, but why did you not tell us? Again, we could have made this so much easier for you?" Iida questioned, clearing not letting go of the fact that he was unaware of his two friends searching the Earth for over 400 years without his knowhow.

Though Bakugou and Kirishima once again looked to each other as they held yet another silent conversation, when finally, Bakugou sighed as he looked towards the two other Gods.

"We didn't tell you because All Might told us that since there was a chance Izuku was alive, so is Shigaraki." Bakugou stated as Sero and Iida's eyes widened at the statement.

"What?!? But that has to be impossible!! We watched you two kill him!! Not to mention you're both celestials! There's no way he could have survived, I mean look at Izuku, he might as well be next door to death! And he was a celestial too!" Sero shouted as Iida quickly placed a hand on his mates shoulder, hoping to bring some sort of comfort.

Though Kirishima and Bakugou both growled lowly as the soul shaking echo returned once more, neither pleased at the mention of Izuku's state, and neither enjoying it being said so carelessly.

"Watch your words Hanta. He is still a celestial, that has not, nor will it ever change. And you will mind how you refer to him. He is still a God, and he is still our mate and husband." Bakugou warned, the echo and gravel never leaving his voice.

"I-I'm sorry, truly I am. I'm not trying to, nor will I ever try to bash Izuku, he's my friend as well." Sero apologized, while Kirishima smiled to his friend and gave him a curt nod, though Bakugou merely nodded, never relenting his glare.

"So, there is a chance that Shigaraki is alive? Have either of you two found him? Or seen any sight of him at all? And again, why would you not tell us this? This is incredibly severe." Iida stated as he rubbed his mates back comfortingly.

"We didn't tell anyone because for one, it's a small chance that he is alive, two even if he is, he could be in a similar state as Izuku which would mean he is completely harmless, and third of all, we knew that if everyone knew there would be a huge search, and the minute the other shadows found out they wouldn't stop until they find their leader and bring him back to his full power. We wanted to avoid a war." Kirishima explained, Bakugou nodding in confirmation

"I see, I agree with you, it is best that we avoid another war at all costs, but even still we need to be vigilant. If he is alive there is a good chance that we won't find him, but the shadows will and they will do as you said." Iida stated.

"We know. That's why we wanted to find Izuku first, bring him back to Mount Tentai and reconnect him to the stars. When he is back those assholes won't dare do anything; even if Shigaraki does come back. But as you can see, it's not exactly going as we planned." Bakugou stated, though grumbling out the last bit, not at all satisfied that their plan had pretty much flopped immediately

"I see, well we can search through the library to see if we find anything, though I think that it would be far more successful to go to Creati or All Might, they know far more about this than we do." Iida stated as Kirishima and Bakugou nodded, while they all then began to search through the library

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