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"Denki! Shoto! Kyouka!" Izuku yelled as he ran forward to the two. Both Omega's quickly met in the middle as they stared at their friend.

"Holy crap! Izuku! We won!?!? But holy shit you're stupidly tall! Damnit now I'm the shortest!" Denki whined at the end as he looked up at Izuku. The Omega still in his godly form.

"I guess that's karma for all the times you made fun of Izuku being so short." Shinsou joked while Denki whined.

"Izuku quick! Turn back into human-size!" Denki shouted while Shinsou laughed at his boyfriend.

"Izuku, I'm so happy to see you are back," Shoto stated as he hugged his friend tightly. Izuku returned the gesture as Shoto hummed in appreciation, Izuku's hugs now truly having the power to heal, and Shoto could feel it.

While Kyouka quickly hugged her friend. Izuku returned the gesture as he smiled at his friend, though Kyouka cringed slightly when she realized she was once again the shortest. "Yo, Denki. I don't think you have to worry about being the shortest. I think you beat me." Kyouka stated while Denki looked over to the Goddess before laughing at his boyfriend. Though immediately hugging Kyouka in response.

"Izuku! Thank goodness, what of Shigaraki?" Iida asked as he stepped forward to the Omega's.

"That bastard is long since dead. Tartarus will handle him." Kirishima stated proudly while everyone's eyes widened before nodding.

"Thank Goodness, I hope you all were uninjured. We were all worried when you did not return or all for us to come to Tentai." Momo stated as Iida nodded to her statement.

"Yeah, are you guys, okay? You know it's been a week since you left us in the underworld. We all thought you were dead." Sero stated sassily while Bakugou barked out a laugh.

"Ha! You wish you could get rid of us! But we're.... We're better now." Bakugou answered, though trailing off at the end as he looked to Izuku. The Omega merely gave a small and sad smile to his mates. While Kirishima and Bakugou tensed at the sight, the two were still very on edge.

"Izuku. Please do not lie. What happened?" Shoto asked, immediately sensing his friend's grief and pain. While Izuku let out a watered laugh, tears welling up once more in his eyes. Though Kirishima and Bakugou made quick work of getting to either side of him, both hugging and comforting him the best they could. They two still feeling the grief of loss.

"Katsuki, Eijirou, Izuku. Please allow us to help you. What happened?" Iida asked while Izuku wiped his eyes before smiling sadly at his friends.

"Shoto, remember I told you I had to take care of some duties before we left?" Izuku asked as he pulled out the journal, the cover worn and torn from the years of neglect, while Shoto nodded to his friend as Izuku handed the journal over to Shoto, the other two Omega's then leaning over the Goddesses shoulder to read in the book as well.

Though all three paled and went wide-eyed as they read the entrée. Only for Kyouka to begin to cry as she ran forward to Izuku, hugging her friend tightly. While Denki and Shoto's eyes soon began to well with tears as they walked forward and joined in on the hug.

"Kyouka?! Shoto, Denki! Is everything alright?! What on Earth happened?! Izuku were you injured before!?" Momo asked frantically while Izuku shook his head. Then taking the book from Shoto's hands and handing it to Momo, silently asking her to explain it to the rest of them. Bakugou and Kirishima stood close to Izuku while they watched their friend's reactions carefully.

Though once everyone else had read the entrée, they all looked at Kirishima, Bakugou, and Izuku with sympathy. "Guys... I-I'm so sorry." Sero stated as he handed Izuku the journal. Though the Omega then walked to the waterfall that they were standing at. The waterfall happening to be Kiyomeru falls and threw the book over the edge.

"I won't ever be able to forget this. But I would much rather not have a totem again." Izuku stated while Kirishima and Bakugou walked over to their mate and hugged him protectively.

"Okay! You know what! Fuck this! We just beat the worst person on Earth! We got Deku back! And we all looked hot as shit while doing it! This is a victory! It's about time we start acting like it is!!" Denki shouted while everyone turned to him and laughed.

"What should we do then Denki?" Izuku asked, smiling at his friend, thankful that he was able to brighten the mood.

"Well for one. We continue our road trip and keep having some fun, maybe Hitoshi and Bakugou get into another brawl who knows! Then we can go to the spiritual leaders and tell them to shut the fuck up cause the Gods can speak for themselves! And we can clear up all the misconceptions!" Denki cheered while everyone looked at each other before cheering alongside him.

"Fuck yeah! That's an awesome plan bro! Let's fucking do it!" Kirishima cheered while everyone else nodded.

"Fine! We may do this plan, if! You all behave, I will be coming along with you all to ensure that you do." Iida stated while Shoto and Sero nodded. Signaling that they would be joining their mate.

"Well, you can count us in as well, Kyouka and I probably need a break" Momo stated shyly while Kyouka nodded vigorously.

"Yes!! No more mazes!!" Kyouka cheered before looking at her wife and smiling apologetically.

"ha, ha, s-sorry babe" Kyouka apologized while Momo laughed at her mate.

"Yeah! Let's do it! Besides Nezu probably thinks I'm dead" Izuku stated with a small laugh before Denki and Shinsou both paled.

"Oh, fuck our jobs!" Shinsou shouted while Denki groaned.

"You two aren't working some stupid mortal jobs anymore, you know that right? You both are official advisors to us three. So just pick a spot where you want your temple and let us know. We'll create portals so you can travel to all of our temples easily." Bakugou stated, unwilling to compromise on his decision. Both Izuku and Kirishima nodded to the statement.

"Wait hold up, you can do that?" Denki asked while Izuku laughed.

"We're Gods Kami, not to mention we're celestials. Of course, we can." Kirishima stated while Denki just shrugged his shoulders.

"Well shit, okay then! Thanks." Shinsou added in while he nodded to Bakugou, the blonde giving his own curt nod back.

"Well I don't know about all of you but I want to get this road trip started now. Besides I quite liked the nest we created in the car last time." Shoto stated while Kyouka looked at the fellow Goddess with question.

"Wait nest? In a car? What?" Kyouka asked while the other three Omega's looked at each other before smiling widely.

"Oh shit, Kyouka we gotta show you this! It's amazing! But I think we need a bigger car, let's get a limo this time!" Denki cheered while Kyouka just looked at the three questioningly, Shoto and Izuku merely laughing at Denki's enthusiasm.

"Well, I suppose it's settled then," Iida stated as he and Sero began to follow after the Omega. Momo then squeezed the two other Gods' shoulders. Giving them both a reassuring smile.

"Do not fear you two, you both will be amazing fathers one day, now let's go," Momo commanded as she walked after the group. Both Kirishima and Bakugou then looked at each other before smiling.

"Let's get this road trip started."

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