My Sunlight (Isabelle X Reader Fanfiction

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Hello everyone, Animal Crossing is one of my most favourite video games ever and I wanted to try writing some animal crossing fanfiction even if its just a series of short one shots. Now there are plenty of animal crossing characters I ship but I thought I'd try do a cute ship fanfiction of my villager of Mel and Isabelle. I absolutely am in love with Isabelle so I thought I'd project those feelings into a fanfiction.
Four Days Before Valentine's Day...
Isabelle loved Mel so so much, no scratch that she absolutely adored Mel. Everytime she was around Mel she couldn't keep it together, they had a beaming smile that melted her heart. Like herself Mel was such a harder worker, they always gave out gifts to the other residents on the island, hosted the daily stretch, watered every single crop and always picked up any litter on the island but mostly importantly Mel would always bring hamper baskets to the town hall as a reward for herself and Nooks hard work. After almost two years living on Aloha with Mel she still didn't have the guts to admit how they made her feel and how much she's fallen in love with them. After two whole years, she knew she needed to tell the truth and confess but how? Luckily for Isabelle, Valentine's day was coming up. So she thought about a plan she could put into action, the problem was she still didn't know if she had the guts.

Dang it. Isabelle woke up from another nap and of course she was dreaming about Mel.  She had slept on the job again. Tom Nook stared at her, shaking his head in disappointment.

"Isabelle my dear, you are horrible at looking after yourself."

"I know I apologise, let me guess you want me to go on a quick coffee break."

"Yes, I'll do some of your paperwork for you. You know the Roost was made for hard workers like you."

"I know."

Isabelle smiled, grabbing her purse before heading  off to the roost in the museum. The shitzu looked at her watch and sighed in relief when she realized it was only midday.  Once she entered the cafe a wide grin spread across Brewster's face.

"Ah Isabelle I've been waiting for you, come have a seat.  Coffee's on me for free this time as you look like you definitely need it."

"Yep I fell asleep on the job again."

Brewster chuckled as he grabbed a cup from his cupboard. Whilst whistling he put the cup under his coffee machine.

"Pigeon Milk?"

"Yes please."

Isabelle smiled as she carefully picked up her cup of coffee from Brewster and blew on it.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome coo."

Brewster smiled back pleased.

"So what brings you here really. I've known you for quite a few years Isabelle and when I see that face it makes me believe that you're planning something."

"Yeah I am, I have a really massive crush on Mel and I want to tell them um how I feel."

"Pft if that wasn't obvious. Everyone's seen the way you look at them when their around."

Isabelle sighed, taking another sip of her coffee.

"That obvious hugh?"

"Yep. So ugh how you actually planning to confess your feelings to Mel."

"I was thinking maybe on valentine's day after they come back from work, I could get Kapp'n to take us to one of his mystery islands and then we could have a really romantic picnic you know on ugh valentines day."

"That sounds like a marvelous idea Isabelle. The question is do you have the guts to put your plan into action?"

Brewster questioned. Isabelle shrugged as she took another big sip of her coffee.

My Sunlight (Isabelle X Player) Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now