Chapter 7: The Cyber Duelist

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Everything had gone to hell. Everything was different from the anime, he shouldn't be facing Zane at the moment, but here he is, facing the Cyber Duelist. (Y/N) knew he shouldn't rely on the anime to depict the future, but he did and it cost him.

"I start first." Zane drew a card. " I play Polymerization and fuse the three Cyber Dragons, I have in my hand and summon the one and only Cyber End Dragon."

The three dragons fused together and became to monster known as Cyber End Dragon.

"I'll play one card face and end my turn. Lets see how you do."

(Y/N) narrowed his eyes.

"I draw." (Y/N) drew a card from his deck. "I play the spell card Pot of Greed and draw two cards." He drew two new cards and looked into his hand. He narrowed his eyes and made his choice.

"First I summon Maha Vailo is attack mode, next I play the spell card Axe of Despair- I won't you, I activate Magic Jammer, thank to this, I discard one spell card from my hand and you spell card is negated." Zane interrupted as he activated his trap card.

But (Y/N) smiled, confusing Zane. "Thank you Zane, you just made it so that I could be able to win this duel, thank you very much." (Y/N) shocked Zane and the crew who just made it.

"And how did I do that? Do you mind telling me?" Zane asked, no demanded to know.

"I'll show you instead." Just then (Y/N) activated a card. "I play the spell card, Mage Power. With this spell equipped to my monster, he gains 500 ATK points for every spell and trap on my side of the field. Not only that but since Mage Power is equipped to Maha Vailo, his special ability  activate and he gains another 500 ATK points.

Maha Vailo: 1550+500+500=2550

"That's not enough to beat me." Zane said.

"I know, I'm not finished. I play three cards face down, giving my monster another attack boost thanks to Mage Power."

Maha Vailo: 2550+1500=4050

Zane eyes widen and his monster was going to be destroyed.

"Next I play the spell card Card of Demise, with this card, I draw until I have 5 cards, but in 5 turns, I discard my entire hand, but don't worry this duel will be over by then." (Y/N) drew a entire new hand.

"Next I activate the spell card Double Attack, what this does is that I could attack twice, but I must card one monster card from my hand, but the monster levels in my hand must be bigger than the monster on the field. I be sending, Succubus Knight to the graveyard." (Y/N) discarded the female knight from his hand. "Know you have no one to protect you from your monster's destruction. Now go Maha Vailo attack Cyber Dragon."

Maha Vailo attacked Cyber End Dragon his lightning, frying the cybernetic dragon.

Zane LP: 4000-50=3950

"Now Maha Vailo attack Zane directly."

Zane was then shocked as his life points hit zero,

Zane: 3950-4050=-0050

"That its bud. I win."

So that's it. That's the battle (Y/N) had to face against Zane. Please note Zane was not treating this a true duel, just an experiment, after all the card that Zane discarded was De-fusion. If Zane didn't send it to the graveyard. If Zane still had the card, then he would have saved his beloved monster. So please don't send any hate or anything like that. This was Zane trying to teach (Y/N) that he couldn't rely on blind luck without a good synergy in his deck.

Also here is a couple of pic of the card that (Y/N) used. All of these cards are real.

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