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Warnings: Blood

Wordcount: 1.9k

You would always get hurt on missions. Didn't matter what the mission was but you always ended up with some new bruise or wound. You then started to realize you weren't going on missions as often as you use to.

The obvious reason why you weren't being put on missions was because of how many times you'd get hurt and the team must of gotten sick of it.

Though after 2 weeks of no missions you were finally placed on one.

Steve, Bucky, Wanda, and you were on the mission together. It wasn't a big mission, you only needed to collect some data from one of the computers at a HYDRA base so you didn't need two super soldiers and Wanda to come along but it was probably just for your safety.

"Alright, guys. Follow the plan and we'll be out of there quickly." Steve said as everyone walked out of the Quinjet.

Wanda walked next to you, "If anything happens to you, I'll be right there." You shook your head, frustrated that Wanda was basically implying she was only there to protect you. You sighed and checked that your knives and guns were in the correct places, "yep."

As you went closer to the HYDRA base, Wanda and you parted to go to your assigned places.

You entered the base from an air vent and started to crawl through, "Everybody good?" Wanda asked. You held back a frustrated groan, not even two minutes and Wanda was already checking in, did she have to be paranoid? Bucky and Steve answered her with a simple yes, "Y/N?" You could hear the slight panic in her voice when you didn't answer after Steve and Bucky. You switched your microphone on and rolled your eyes, "I'm fine." You grumbled.

When you were at the computer room's vent you noticed two guards standing there. You slowly reached for a knife that was resting at your left thigh and opened the vent. You jumped down to the closest guard and immediately swiped him under his feet, he landed on his back and you hit him on the head with the end of your knife, knocking him out. The other guard tried shooting you but you threw your knife at his leg, causing him to collapse to the ground.

You smiled at yourself and moved towards one of the computers. You dug around in your pocket and grabbed the USB stick out. You stuck it into the computer and started searching for the file you needed.

"I got the sandwiches, boys!" The door swung open and you turned around and met face to face with another guard. You fumbled for another knife from your right thigh but couldn't get it out fast enough. The guard raised his knife and threw it at you, it hit you in the stomach.

You grabbed a gun from your boot and shot the guard twice in each leg before you fell to the ground.

You let out a painful groan and you tightly held your stomach. You went to ask for help into comms but you knew you wouldn't be let on another mission for at least a month.

Your body shook as you lifted yourself up from the ground. You quickly continued searching the files from the HYDRA computer and started downloading them onto the USB stick. You felt tears start falling from your eyes as the pain increased. Being stabbed with a knife wasn't the best feeling and you weren't going to be able to treat it until you were alone. You were just lucky that the guard had a weak throw and it wasn't that deep, but you still would bleed a bit if you took the knife out. So you planned on keeping it in until you started to head back to the quinjet.

A couple of minutes later the download was complete.

You grabbed the USB stick out and started heading towards the vents again, you were going to have to take the knife out to crawl through. You stumbled over to the guard and ripped enough of his shirt off to wrap around your stomach.

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