17- hurts

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What's wrong with that face Vincenzo ?

She looked at him and just said " where were you ? How could you leave without telling me I was scared to dea.."

"Sorry ..."he interrupted her and smiled continuing " I had to leave it was urgent I couldn't tell you and didn't expect it to take that long "

She felt weird he was smiling a smile she's never seen before he looked tired and for some reason she felt that he wasn't feeling well

" why didn't you tell me when you were wherever you were going at least a text I got so scared I started searching for you like crazy and no one agreed to tell me were you were "

He smiled at her and said "sorry I couldn't " for some reason her heart was pierced seeing that smile she was scared and didn't know why her eyes started feeling warm she just dropped the urge to argue considering neither of them are in the mood and both are tired

She looked at him walked towards him and hugged him tightly smelling his scent that she missed these long weeks she felt warm and for didn't know why her heart was hurting she wanted to cry what's this feeling ? And why does it hurt so much

"Don't do it again " was all she could say he didn't reply to her but instead hugged her his hug made her feel warm and safe

This unpleasant feeling wasn't going away it was disturbing her really

The next morning
Cha young woke up she was in Vincenzo's penthouse one of them considering how many towers he owns
She swears sometimes he makes her feel poor by how much money and properties he owns

She looked around trying to adjusted to the view around her but the sun was disturbing her she rolled on her stomach and rubbed her eyes then looked around and saw Vincenzo standing in front of the window with his back at her

She looked around trying to adjusted to the view around her but the sun was disturbing her she rolled on her stomach and rubbed her eyes then looked around and saw Vincenzo standing in front of the window with his back at her

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She smiled happy that she was feeling better than last night and that vin is here

She didn't move for a while just smiling looking at his back

She finally got up wearing his shirt and a pair of shorts

She walked to him who was deep in thought and hugged him from behind hiding her face in his back

"Why are you up so early huh ?" She asked as she raised her face from his back

"Nothing " He just said

She tiptoed and brought her head from over his shoulder and kissed his cheek " what's wrong ummm ?tell me you're acting weird since last night what's wrong ?what happened while you were there ? " she asked him

He just released a deep breath and said "nothing "

"Really ?" She asked making sure "yeah " he said

And she continued hugging him from behind " cha young ahh ... "

" what ?"
He didn't speak for a while but then he said
" let's end this " which made her hurt skip a beat

She didn't move for a while but then she raised her head slowly and said " what ?end what ? "

"This relationship " he was still facing the window

She let go of her hug and said "What do you mean Vincenzo? Why should we end it we love each other so what makes you say that ? Wait is this a joke cause if it is then it's n... "

"It's not I really want to break up with you "

What did he just say ?

She was crying not realizing that she was , she remained silent for a while and said
" what made you suddenly change your mind ? Did something happen ?"

"Nothing happened I told you ...."

"LOOK AT ME WHEN YOU ARE SAYING IT !! Look at me turn around " she interrupted him shouting

He took a deep breath and turned around and looked down not at her

Again the remained silent for some minutes even though they felt like ages

"what happened when you were gone ? What happened ? You would never say something like that what happened Vincenzo would never say that "

" Nothing happened when I was gone I left to think about all of this and ...." he turned to the window and said closing his eyes " came to the conclusion that this isn't right and it's not making me happy "
"I'm not happy "

She was shocked her heart really hurts she felt like it would stop any minute now
" you're the one , You're the one who said that I make you happy "She said Not even looking at his back

"I'm not " he said

" really ?" She asked slowly making sure

"Yes " he replied shortly

She looked at him as more tears continued to flow from her beautiful eyes that were now swollen and said " I wish you didn't make me live in delusion I wish you didn't say that I make you happy I wish you didn't give me those empty promises and those words that made me feel as if ..... as if I'm the only one that mattered to you in the whole world but I guess I deserve it I deserve it for letting my self slip into this for the first time in my life I lost control and this is what happened I deserve it for not listening to them and what they had to say about you all I did was defend you but I was wrong you really are bad "

At this time he closed his eyes and could only listen to her And everything she said

"Let me ask you something , do you still love me ? "

He remained silent

They remained in their positions Vincenzo standing facing the window and cha young on the bed hiding her face in her palms that were completely wet from her tears They remained there for long

After that cha young stood up and was about to leave the room but Vincenzo's voice stopped her saying " now the moment you're going to leave this room we are not going to be more than Miss Hong and Mr.Cassano for each other and nothing else "

She closed her eyes only to let more tears flow and said " well wishes then Mr.Cassano " her voice was trembling
As she left the room he remained in his position a few minutes later he heard the door closing

She left

He closed his eyes and turned around stared at the bed and after a while started pulling the bed sheets hard as if to let her go and remove her scent from them as he removed them he smelled the pillow she was sleeping on and stared crying he never thought that he'll ever let her go but when he did , it hurts..... so much

He hugged the pillow and dropped himself on the bed

It hurts ,his heart really does hurt so much

To be continued....


Hi everyone so new update I hope you like it
Uhhhhhh Poor cha young
Why vin ? Why ?

Also these two chapters are a bit short but because I didn't make them one I mede them two so that they are not too long and also so that I have time to write
See yah soon


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