39-with you

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Vincenzo woke up with the rays of sunshine hitting his face from the half opened curtains it took him a few minutes to adjust to the light until he fully opened his eyes

He looked around the room then to his side when he saw her sleeping with her arm supporting her head she looked so graceful that he couldn't stop himself from staring at her for a long time

While he was lost in her beauty something crept up to him and that was the loneliness of his days before , the days when he wished to have her by his side again , the days when he was drowning in sadness when everything felt impossible

While he was deep in thought he didn't notice that cha young has already woken up and was staring at him too with a blush all over her face

She was about to start blaming herself for ruining her pride and asking him to stay like that but she realized that it was nothing to be ashamed of and the glow on his face confirmed it , besides until when he's gonna be the only one fighting for this when it's about both of them so she just decided to embrace what she did

They both snapped out of their thoughts when the heard a beep it was from Vincenzo, he lifted himself a bit and took his phone from the nightstand after sending a massage he laid back down facing cha young who was looking at him intently
She was about to ask what it was but he already gave the answer saying that it was Soo ho telling him that Young ro had woken up

She was about to get up but he pulled her back down "it's still early we'll go soon just stay here for a bit " now she knows why he didn't want to sleep in the guest bedroom he insisted on sleeping her she offered to switch room so that he can sleep here since he likes it so much but he made up some lame excuse saying that the light in that room isn't good it can hurt her eyes

She told him that she's gonna sleep and she wouldn't need light to which he replied saying that it might affect her energy in the morning , she knew that he was making excuses so she just decided to give in telling herself that it's the price she pays for telling him to stay here , so they both slept in that room last night , only sleeping though !! Nothing more

And that's what led to him whining like a little kid in the early morning , but this time she only agreed because she was honestly still very tired , and that bed in Aunt Kim's house is very confortable but nothing compared to this one

So she laid back down resting her head on her elbows when he pulled her in for a hug that she didn't pull away from and just enjoyed his embrace

"I missed you " he whispered in her ears sending chills in her body , she just hummed in response making him chuckle he know how much she did too , she confirmed it herself last night , as he remembered it he tightened his embrace around her

"you know I'm not afraid as long as you're here I'm not afraid of anything , I will wake down any path with you whether it's filled with roses or thorns I don't care because I've got all I need and that's you , you are all I need " He said

She lifted her face from him smiled not knowing how to reply to him when he continued and said " we will get it over with soon and be happy together with our families together "

"I'm scared about that , that's the only thing that is taking up my mind " she said

He lifted his hand and creased her face with his thumb and said " it's gonna be alright hey I mean you didn't see how our mothers were together it made my a hundred percent sure that we have them on our side , and Du shik is also , considering he went to such lengths for us and I don't think your sister has a problem with it either , only your dad and I don't blame him but we will get through it I Promise "

He had no idea that his words would make her at peace this much , she smiled at him and hugged him tightly resting her face on his chest

" you know I thought that we were a closed door even though it hurts like hell but I tried to believe that , staying
Away from everything I love and just working made somethings easier for me , or so I thought , because the moment I stopped doing it I would break down into pieces and that's the part that hurts the most "

"I'm sorry for what we had to go through " he said " stop saying that it makes me annoyed "

He chuckled not pushing forward with it

After a while they got up he drove her to the hospital and went home

At the hospital

Cha young stayed with Young ro for a while who was refusing to eat anything she got so frustrated with her but luckily Soo ho came at the right and took over the task to make her eat and even feed her

She got out of the room went to the other room she's Been wanting to go there since last night ,she knocked on the door and a faint voice let her in

She went in and saw a sight that broke her heart she saw Eun jin woo , Young ro's dad laying on a hospital bed looking weak it's definitely his worst condition, but a smile was still attached on his pale face as he welcomed her

She smiled Back and greeted him , he invited her to sit on the chair near the bed , she took the invite and sat herself there

They exchanged good words when she asked him about his health to which he replied with a slight head shake

She said " you know Young ro really deserved better than that "

He smiled and said " oh cha young ahh you will not understand that feeling unless you have children , you are the backbone of your children growing up and even in their adult lives they have this fantasy about you being this fearless rock the last thing you want to do is shatter their dreams by letting them see you like this "

"Trust me no matter how many fantasies and dreams you shatter it's better than pushing them out of your life , she looked for you a lot , I was the one who saw the look in her eyes every time the phone rang saying that you aren't found yet , it was the most broken look you can see in one's eyes , she wanted to be here with you to support you to hold your hand through it all "

He looked down at his hands with tears in his eyes As he said " thank you for taking care of her , my Young ro deserved a better father than me , cha young ahh can you still do it when I'm no longer here "

"Don't worry I'll be with her till the end she's my other part I'll never let her go and I'll kick whoever tries to hurt her I'll walk her down on her wedding day to her husband I'll be there when she gives birth to her kids I'll be there when she grieves and when she's happy . I'll always be there "

"That why you are my favorite out of your siblings you're the most honest you know you are the first Person who tells me this , thank you for being there , make sure no one dares to mess with my little girl and please when she falls in love make sure he's a good person , I think she already have though " he said chuckling in the end

She smiled at him knowingly at him they talked like that for a while when she excused herself and went to see Young ro they talked for a while when Soo ho took her home to change and shower

Cha young stayed in the hospital for a while after they left , she was thinking about something and made a decision

She quickly stood up and left she called vin on the way , when she arrived home her parents home

She went down and saw that vin's car was already parked there she went a little closer and saw him standing one the other side he turned to her

"Are you sure you wanna do it now ? " he asked

She smiled and grabbed his hand taking him with her , when they reached the door she took a deep breath still holding his hand she knocked on the door

Hello you guys
Uh the story is coming to an end very soon

See yah soon I guess

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