Getting the gang back together

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Tony sat in the car next to Peter as they rode to Peter's apartment. The kid had done pretty good in Germany, though he was put in unnecessary danger. Just as the limousine pulled to a stop, there was a bright flash. Tony felt something pulling him.
The last thing he heard before blacking out was "Mr. Stark! What's happening?"
Steve and Bucky stood in the Wakandan lab. T'chala and Princess Shuri stood behind them talking amongst themselves as the two friends said good bye.
Bucky climbed into his pod, but as the door slid  shut a bright light fill the room. Steve felt something around his waist pulling him. He hit the ground, but black out before he could catch his bearings.
(A/N: look, I'm lazy. I want a good portion of MCU in this thing and I don't think any of us just want a paragraph of all of them getting swept away, I'm gonna skip head to the fun part)
Slowly, one by one all of the avengers and their friends awoke.
The first to do so was Natasha. Yelena and the rest of Natasha's family woke next.

"Where are we?" Yelena asked, nudging a sleeping Clint with her boot.

Natasha felt her wrists for her widow bites, but found them to be missing, "I'm not sure, but I don't like what ever this is."

Clint, popped his head up, rubbing he eyes, "Nat?" Then springing up, "What's going on? What happen to Ultron?" He instinctively reached back for an arrow, but realized both his bow and all of his arrows were gone.

"Ultron?" Tony asked from the other side of the room, "That was a year ago!"

"No it wasn't!" Pietro helped Wanda to her feet, "We were just fighting him."

Tony stumbled backwards upon seeing Pietro. Natashas eyes widened. "What's wrong?" He asked

Behind him Steve cleared his throat, "How um, how are you here?"

Pietro looked back and forth between all of them, "The same way as you? I just woke up?"

"We're dead." Tony announced. On the ground beside him Peter jumped up

"I can't be dead! I'm only 15!" He shook his head, "Aunt May's gonna kill me if I die!"

"Why would you assume we're dead?" Shuri asked, "Why would the afterlife be a movie theater?"

"Maybe this is my personal hell." On the other side of the room Loki whispered. Thor and Bruce, who both beside Loki, had begun to wake up as well.

"What's going on?" Bruce looked around, "are we in a movie theater?"

Thor stood up, alerting the others to their presence.

"Oh great," Tony rolled his eyes, "Reindeer games is here too."

Thor pointed at Pietro, "I thought you died?"

Wanda's eyes widened, "What are you talking about? We were all just fighting Ultron."

"Miss Maximoff is right." Vision nodded, "The Avengers we're battling Ultron in Sokovia."

All of the Avengers, plus Loki, Peter, Tchala, and Shuri, joined in the middle of the room while they waited for the rest to wake up.

Nick Fury, Carol Danvers, Steven Strange, Bucky, Sam Wilson, Monica Ramdeau, Kate Bishop and Agatha Harkness, all in that order, awoke one by one.

Kate was freaking out about being in a room with all the Avengers. Agatha played the dumb confused citizen who couldn't believe she was in a room with all of the Avengers, as the rest of them debated over what to do.

Tony and Steve were arguing when Steve felt something in his hand. He looked down and saw a folded piece of paper. Cautiously he unfolded it and read it to the others,

"Welcome Avengers and friends. You have been brought here to watch how some of your stories unfold. Things may not make sense right now, but if you watch and pay attention atleast some of your questions will be answered."

Slowly each of them took a seat. Those who had taken part in the Civil War opted to sit with their individual teams. Clint sat next to Nat sense he had no idea what was going on with that.

Kate Bishop took the opportunity to sit behind Clint in the hopes she'd get to talk to him. Shuri sat next to her brother. Fury and Carol sat in the back while Monica sat upfront. Thor, Loki and Bruce also sat in the back, a row ahead of Fury and Carol. Wanda and Pietro sat in the front row, and Vision took the seat next to Wanda.

Strang opted to sit by himself on the side of the theater. Agatha did the same on the other side.

Once everyone was seated, the lights dimmed and the screen lit up.

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