Ashley's Pov

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I'm already tired of Eva and Alexis and they've only been with each other for 24 hours. "Why did we think this was a good idea again?" I asked Mary-Kate. "I don't remember, but I think it was a bad idea." "Yeah, no idea. Now I have to deal with this." Lizzie said. "Go get you stuff and fly to Atlanta!" I shouted out to the two in the kitchen. We heard them run up the stairs laughing, probably going to go makeout or have more sex. "Ugh! Why did you have to say that!" Mary-Kate shouted at me. "I don't know!" I shouted back.

A door slammed and heard a loud moan, great here comes the sex again. "I swear there always horney. No wonder Eva lost her virginity at 13." Lizzie said. We all laughed at that, it's true because she really did lose her virginity at 13. We ended up leaving the house. We can't deal with them moaning anymore. Mary-Kate and I bought 3 plane tickets to Atlanta, they leave tomorrow. Thank god, but that doesn't mean that they'll stop tonight. "Be prepared for the paparazzi, and your phone's are going to be blowing up because they don't really know Eva, also her hair change." Mary-Kate kept reminding Liz. Mary-Kate and Lizzie are the more connected while Eva and I are.

"I know, and if my anxiety starts to kick in, tell Eva and she'll hold my hand." Lizzie finished for Mary-Kate. "Hey, we're just trying to make sure you're okay for tomorrow." She said defending herself. We stayed out for a little while longer, we ended up picking dinner up so Alex and Eva can eat real food for once. Once we got to the house, it was quiet. "Thank god." I said as we walked in. The tv was playing whatever show was on. "We'll fuck you too Eva." I said as I noticed that 'Full house' was playing. They know Mary-Kate and I hate seeing what we acted in. *R.I.P. Bob Saget*

I quickly turned off the tv while Lizzie went to find the two trouble makers. "I found them!" Lizzie shouted from upstairs. "What are they doing?" I asked. "Sleeping." She said as she walked down the stairs.  "Well that's better than sex, so I'm not complaining." Mary-Kate said before walking towards her room. It was around midnight so we all went to sleep. "I'm going to go pack their bags before I go to sleep." Lizzie told me. I nodded my head before I went to my room.

The next morning Mary-Kate and I woke up before the 3. We got their bags into the car and made a small breakfast. "I'll go get Lizzie, you get the love birds." Mary-Kate said to me. "Why me?" I complained to her. "Because you're more connected to E, then I'm Lizzie." She said as she walked towards Lizzie's room. I sighed and walked to Eva's room. I walked into her room and played loud music, they are both heavy sleepers. After about 5 minutes, they finally woke up. "Ashley, what the fuck. What time is it?" Eva said as she woke up. She grabbed her phone and checked the time. "It's 5:46 in the morning, why are you waking us up?" "Because Alex, Lizzie and you are flying down to Atlanta in a couple of hours." "Nope, that's you." She said before trying to go back to sleep. I kept flicking the light on and off to hopefully wake up the two. "Alright we're up now stop, please." Eva complained.

"Get up, the both of you and get downstairs." I told them both before I went back down. I found Lizzie half asleep eating the breakfast Mary-Kate and I made. "Did they ever wake up?" Mary-Kate said as she saw me. "Yeah, after I had to keep turning the light on and off." I said as we heard footsteps coming down the stairs. "Well good morning lovebirds." Mary-Kate teased the two. "Shut up Katie." Eva teased back. "I will give you the breakfast we made for you, until you lose the attitude." "It's 6 in the morning. Who in the right mind gets up at this time?" Eva questioned us. "People who want to do stuff. That's who." I answered sarcastically.

"Now eat, so you can leave." "Wow, you really must hate me." "You're the mistake here." Lizzie said she only calls Eva a mistake when she's annoyed by Eva, which we all are. "Hey! I'm the one who was born first, so I think that's you actually." Lizzie just put her middle finger up towards Eva, who did the same thing back to her. "Okay, let's not start a fight before we leave. Now the 3 of you, eat!" I yelled at them and they started to eat quickly.

Mary-Kate decided to tell Eva everything to do with Lizzie's anxiety when I was driving to the airport. I could see in the corner of my eyes that she was on her phone not paying attention. But she's so good at making it seem like it, that Mary-Kate believed her. Oh I'm sending all my prayers for Lizzie, my god help her. We arrived at the airport, in New York, with Mary-Kate and I. People mainly know about Lizzie more than they know about Eva. But the people who do know about Eva, call the both of them, 'Mary-Kate and Ashley's little sisters' or 'The Younger Olsen Twins'. I honestly think it's sick to hear someone call my little sisters 'Mary-Kate and Ashley's little sisters'. They have names, and that's the main reason they tried out for Marvel. To make a name for themselves.

We got to the gate, the last place we can go before we have to leave. Paparazzi had already found us and started taking photos and following us. Eva saw that Liz was getting a little anxious, so she grabbed her and pulled her into a side hug and whispered something into her ear before placing a kiss onto her head. Once we got to the gate we all hugged, this is the biggest thing Eva is ever going to be in, I'm proud of her. We all know she has her struggles but she's trying her best. "Protect her." I whispered into Eva's ear as we hugged. "You know I will." She said back. That's true, I know she will. In the family, she's the most protective. Mainly over Lizzie because of her anxiety. 

"Now don't do anything stupid. Mainly talking to you Eva so listen for once please." Mary-Kate said to Eva. "Alright, I know what to do. Now can we leave the paparazzi already kinda caught us." She pleated to Mk who sighed and slowly nodded her head. We gave them one last hug before we watched them walk away. Eva, once again wrapped her arm around Lizzie and kissed her head. "You really think this is a good idea with Eva?" "I don't know, but we're trusting her. That's all." I said as our bodyguards got everyone they could away from us. Paparazzi being paparazzi started asking questions. "Ashley, who was that hugging Elizabeth?" "Who's that redhead with Elizabeth?" "Is Elizabeth dating anyone?" "Are any of you dating anyone?" That's the kind of questions they asked us. We pretty much ignored them and got back to our car, this time Mary-Kate drove.

Once we got home we both pretty much passed out. I woke up to my phone buzzing. I thought it would be Eva or Lizzie, but it was an article about the 5 of us.

The Olsen sisters in a New York airport with a dirty blonde and redhead?

The Olsen twins were spotted earlier with Elizabeth in a New York airport. But two other mystery women were with them. One with dirty blonde hair and the other with red hair. The one who was the closest to Lizzie, had her arm wrapped around Lizzie and kissed the top of her head. The twins hugged the 3 of them before watching them walk away. There are rumors that Jarnette Olsen had another set of twins when Elizabeth, but it's never been confirmed. No one got a good look at the two mystery girls but paparazzi believe that she looks very much like Elizabeth. The 5 all looked like they were comfortable with each other. Ashley seemed to whisper something into the blonde's hair before kissing the top of her head, Mary-Kate repeating the process. Who are these mystery girls and did Jarnette have more twins? Where is Lizzie going with the 2 other girls? And most importantly, who were they.

"Well, it seems like they can't last a day without paparazzi catching them." I said after I finished reading the article. "They also were with us, Liz is known as 'Mary-Kate and Ashley's little sister' and Eva I guess as well." Almost as soon as Mary-Kate said that, my phone started ringing. It was Eva.

Ashley: Damn, did you do something already?
Eva: Well hello to you sister.
Ashley: What did you do, or what do you want? And how is Liz?
Eva: Well she's asleep on the plane, and I'm pretty sure you've seen the article. When can we announce it? I mean, they're going to find out sooner or later, would you rather people start a rumor and bugging you both every time you walk out of the house? Or would you rather us tell the world the proper way.
Ashley: E, the main reason we haven't told the world about you is because of your past. It's not that you're ashamed of your past, it's just that we are scared of what people are going to think about you. That's why you and Liz auditioned for Marvel. To make a name for yourselves. Do you really want to be known as 'Mary-Kate's and Ashley's little sister' for the rest of your life?
Eva: I understand that, I do, but it's really sounding like you don't want me in the fame.
Ashley: Eva, you got to understand your past. Not every celebrity got sent to a mental hospital and military school in their life. You're new to this famous life, sorta. There are some people who know about you, and others don't. If people find out about your past, we have no idea how they'll react.
Eva: If you're scared of the hate, I can handle that. I just wanted to know if we could tell everyone about me without you getting swarmed, but if you don't want to fine.
Ashley: Eva? Eva, are you still there? Damnit.

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