Eva's Pov

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I hung up the phone before she could even say anything. Lizzie's head ended up sliding on my shoulder. She cuddled up to me. "Aww, you look so cute with Lizzie." Alex teased me. "Shut up." "So what did she say?" "She didn't really give me an answer, but I heard a no." Alexis looked at me weirdly. "She said shit about the hospital." She nodded her head knowing I don't like talking about that. I watched as Lizzie slept (not creepy).

About 2ish hours later we landed. "So are you ready to meet your crush Ms.Scarlett Johansson?" Alexis teased me again. "Shut up bitch. Elizabeth! Get up, we're here!" I yelled in her ear. She woke up fastly, like she woke up from a nightmare. "Fuck you Eva." "Well, fuck you too." The plane landed and we got off. The bodyguards that Ashley and Mary-Kate got us were waiting for us. "Good evening Miss.Olsen, Ms.Cooper." He said to us, after a while we got out of the airport and got into the car. We got to the hotel, and I instantly fell asleep.  

I woke up to someone yelling in my ear. "AH! WHAT THE FUCK? LIZZIE!" "Payback is a bitch isn't she?" She said before walking out of my hotel room. "Also, apparently the whole cast is here already, and they're doing a 'Meet the cast' party thing. I don't know. So get ready." She said before she shut the door. I groaned, before I rolled off the bed falling hard on the floor. I don't like socializing much. Lizzie is the same, that's more of Ashley and Mary-Kate's thing. After about 25 minutes of thinking if I should get up, thanks to Bipolar Depression. "E, are you up yet?" I heard Lizzie say from behind my door. I groaned as my response. I knew she didn't hear me so I used all my strength to get to the door.

Most twins have a twin language. Scratch that, all twins do. Lizzie and I use morse code and sign language. We used the morse code to help cheat on tests and because we understood it and no one but our grandparents knew it. The sign language is when we were around our grandparents. I started to tap and bang on the door. "Tap, bang. Bang, bang, bang.." (No.) A couple of seconds later, Lizzie answered. "Tap, bang, bang. Tap, tap. Tap, bang, bang, tap. Bang, bang, bang. Tap, bang, tap, tap. Tap, bang. Tap, bang, tap." (Bipolar.) After I figured out what she said I answered. "Bang, tap, bang, bang. Tap. Tap, tap, tap." (Yes.)

I heard Liz trying to open the door, but I was in the way. I moved a little away from the door, only so much so that Lizzie could open the door. She opened the door and saw me sitting on the ground looking dead I guess. "Eva!" She rushed to me and pulled me into a hug. "Do you want to go today? I can ask if we reschedule." I nodded my head and pulled Lizzie closer to me. I started crying, two things I never do. Physical touch I don't really like, and crying.

She stayed with me for an hour until I calmed down a lot more. "Can we try to go?" I signed to her. She looked at me hesitantly before she signed back. "Only if you want to. I don't want to push you. You can bring Alexis if you want." I nodded my head answering both questions. She kissed the top of my head before she pulled me into another hug. She helped me get ready and get out of my hotel room. We got to Alexis's hotel room and she woke her up. "We should probably get going." Lizzie said to the 2 of us.

We got to the car with paparazzi taking photos of us. Liz is wearing a long light green shirt and ripped jeans with her hair down. Alexis is wearing a white tank top with a yellow flannel on top of it and ripped jeans with her red hair in a ponytail. I'm wearing a Nirvana crop top, black of course, black ripped jeans and my hair is down. The driver drove us to whatever location we were at, and about 45 minutes later we stopped at a random place. "Where are we?" "The location on which we are filming." Lizzie said. I nodded my head before I slowly got out of the car and followed Liz into the place.

Our security guards walked us to the door and we got signed in. I grabbed Alexis's hand as we walked into the place. "And here's the last of the cast, everyone welcome Elizabeth Olsen and Eva Olsen. And a redhead?" "Alexis, Eva's girlfriend." Alex said to everyone. We decided that we wanted to start dating again, that's why she said that. "Well, I'm Robert Downey Jr, Tony Stark." "Chris Hemsworth." "Aaron Taylor-Johnson. I believe we will be playing triplets." "Paul Bettany." "Mark Ruffalo." "Jeremy Renner." "Chris Evans." "Scarlett Johansson."

"So basically what I heard, you're Iron Boy, God of hammers, Ron Weasley, Microwave dude, Green guy, Arrow guy, America's ass, and The hottest Avenger." I said pointing to everyone after they introduced themselves. "I'm sorry, that's how she remembers names. She's horrible, I know." Lizzie teased me. "So you both are twins?" Jeremy asked. "Yeah, we're kinda easy to tell apart. I mean I have dirty blonde hair and she has amber hair. She's also taller." I said. "Now why haven't we heard of you?" Robert said pointing to me. "Um, I just never got so involved with acting until now. I guess it runs in the family though." I said as I scratched the back of my head. Everyone looked at me weirdly at what I said, I mean it's true. I never got into acting because I was too busy being in a mental hospital and military school.

After about an hour of being at the meet, they started asking questions about Lizzie and I. "So, who's older?" Robert asked us. Lizzie pointed to me. "I am. 2 minutes and 37 seconds older than her." I answered. "Who's the worst twin?" "That would be Eva. You don't want to ask our parents how many times she stayed after school or went to the office." Lizzie answered the question. "Really Jeremy? I thought you could tell who was bad and who was good in their style. The fact that Eva is wearing all black, I think that explains a lot." Robert said. "Now, Eva, tell us about yourself." Robert continued. I looked at Liz for help. I don't really know what I can say and what I can't.

"Um, basically like Lizzie's, just I was the more popular twin. Alexis and I met in middle school, we actually hated each other at first. Then started dating, then broke up because of a girl that I ended up hooking up with and dated. Then we broke up and Alexis and I got together again for about 4 years." I said, they all pretty much nodded their heads. "So you're a player? That's what it sounded like." Scarlett said. "W-What?" I was surprised. I mean I used to be, but then my memo changed. "You're a player? Aren't you. I'm sorry but how stupid do you have to be, she's using you again." Scarlett said, looking at Alexis before walking out of the room.

Lizzie started to tap on the closted thing near her. "Tap, bang. Tap, bang, tap. Tap. Tap, bang, tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap, bang. Tap, tap, tap. Tap, bang, tap, tap?" (Are you ok?) I nodded my head, I wasn't really but I didn't need her to know.

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