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Priyanka safely reached to Shivay, while Daksh hold Anika from her waist tightly...she felt uncomfortable under his gaze and touches, but she knows now he is written in her stars so denying Daksh for something means like inviting trouble for herself.

Shivay dropped prinku at safe place and starts walking back.

Pri: bhaiya where are you going?

Shiv: prinku...i said i can't keep calm when my family is in danger...if i rescued you as my sister, Anika is my family too...she is wife so leaving her alone with that chance...i wanted you to be safe first as you have baby with you but that doesn't mean your safety costs my stay here i'll get my mad wife out...he answered and moved in.

Da: chalo baby...let's get ready its our wedding day too.

Ani: i said i won't marry whatever you want...i won't means i won't.

Da: don't made my inner beast can't handle better get ready or else i won't think twice before fucking you i don't need any tag of marriage for doing that to you...he said clutching her chin tightly.

A punch landed on his face...he looks up holding his bleeding mouth to find Shivay standing there with lava erupting from his eyes.

Ani: Shivay...Anika whispered.

Da: how dare you punch me?

Shiv: and how dare you touch Shivay Singh Oberoi's wife? How dare you touch my Anika? How dare you manhandle her? How dare you to blackmail my wife...he asked punching Daksh continuously.

Ani: Shivay leave him, you will kill him...she screamed pulling him away from Daksh.

Shiv: haa...i'll...i'll kill this bastard how dare he touch my wife...he shouted and beaten him blue and black.

After trying many times...Anika gets succeed in dragging Shivay away from Daksh...they started walking towards exit.

Ani: see what have you done with yourself...she said seeing his hand which was bleeding little due to fight.

Shiv: are you ok? ahh...your lip's corner is bleeding Ani...come will do first-aid in car...he said caressing near her lips.

Ani: this is nothing in front of your wounds Shivay...

Shiv: why did you stopped me? I wanted to kill that man for touching you...for hurting you....he manhandled dare he hurted you...he again uttered same words being frustrated but then got confused when Anika moved back.

Before he could ask anything to her he heard her painful scream along with sound of gunshot.

Shiv: Anika...he held her on time before she collapsed on floor.

Ani: he...he...was trying to shot you...she said with heavy breathes.

Shiv: don't worry Khanna will handle this...let's go to the hospital...i won't let anything happened with you...he said picking her protectively in his arms; moving to his car.

Shivay ran towards car having Anika in his arms...he placed her on passenger seat while he sat on driver's seat and started car.

Ani: Shivay...i hope breathed heavily.

Shiv: just shut up you mad girl; don't talk must...he replied angrily speeding up car.

Ani: still i will talk...i don't know...i... how much time...i have...i have more.

Shiv: i said shut up Anika...can't you heard? Just stay quite we will soon reach to hospital.

Ani: i don't...i don't think i can before...before...i die tell me; as Prinku and her baby is completely safe now you aren't regretting marrying...marrying me na?....her breathing rate were increasing vigorously causing her to stammer.

Shiv: i said all of that in anger please don't stress much...he looks at her when he don't got reply.

Shiv: Anika...Anika open your eyes its not funny please...he tapped on her cheeks but no response from her side.

He started shouting for doctor as soon as he reached to hospital with Anika in his arms.

Dr: oh my god...sister take her to operation theatre.

Shiv: wife will be alright na?

Dr: we can't say anything now...just pray to god...he said tapping on his shoulder and went in operation theatre.

Whole Oberoi family entered in hospital.

Pin: how's my bacchi Shivay?

Shiv: doctor is checking her.

Om: Shivay are you ok?

Shiv: Om...Anika is injured not me.

Om: but you are in pain soon as Omkara said this Shivay hugged him tightly breaking down.

Shiv: Om...Anika theek ho jayegi na?...he asked crying like a child...long gone was Shivay Singh Oberoi now the person standing with Omkara is only Anika's husband who loves her so much.

Om: she will be fine Shivay...don't worry...he tried to assure him when Shivay's phone rang.

Shiv: keep that bastard in garage Khanna...he has to pay for each and everything he deed to my wife...i will punish him myself...he said angrily as soon as he received call from Khanna.

Everyone was waiting for doctor to come out from operation theatre and soon he comes out.

Shiv: how's my wife doctor?

Dr: don't worry she is out of danger now...we have removed bullet from her right arm...the bullet was quite deep so don't let her pressure on right hand and about neck...the bullet just pass away touching her nape so there isn't any serious injury.

Shiv: thank you doctor...he breathed in relief.

Pin: can we meet her?

Dr: yes after we shift her in general ward...don't disturb her she is under effect of strong anesthesia...take care....saying he went from there.   

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jun 26, 2022 ⏰

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