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Those green eyes are my green light, I'm giving up on control.
You see red lights, I see me blowing straight through to you.
Song: Green Eyes by Joseph

California, Early June

Beep beep beep beep

I groaned as the shrill sound of my alarm pulled me from a deep sleep. Shooting my hand out to my nightstand, I looked at the time before snoozing the alarm and pulling the covers back over my head.

6 am...fucking early-ass tee time.

Why I agreed to play golf with my dad and his colleagues at 7:30 on a Saturday, I'll never know. Don't get me wrong, I loved to golf. I had been playing since I was a child. However, getting up at the crack of dawn to hang out with a bunch of 60-something lawyers while they talked about their trust funds and stock market trends was not my idea of fun. But it made my dad happy and they always played on the nicest courses around so I suppose it could be worse.

When my alarm started sounding for the second time, I switched it off and dragged my ass out of bed, heading to my bathroom for a quick shower before throwing on my clothes. I checked out my appearance in the mirror real quick. I had on a short, black skort and a tight, white tank, my thick blonde hair pulled back into a high ponytail. The thought momentarily crossed my mind to put on something a little more conservative but it was going to be a hot day and I didn't really feel like changing at this point. Oh well, maybe it will distract those old men enough that they'll shoot above par.

Grabbing my purse and car keys, I loaded my clubs in the back of my Range Rover before heading out. The drive to the country club was short and I took in the gorgeous scenery as I pulled into the parking lot. The grounds were absolutely immaculate. Pulling under the portico in front of the building, I hopped out, watching as the valet carefully removed my clubs.

"I'll take care of your clubs, miss. They will be waiting for you at the teeing ground." the valet said with a smile.

"Thank you." I said warmly, handing him the keys and a crisp 20 dollar bill, before turning and heading into the clubhouse. I walked quickly through the foyer and into the large atrium of the country club. I looked around in awe at the size of this place. The atrium was two stories tall with arches and pillars all around. Looking up, I took in the exposed wood beams and the grand chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Golden rays of sun poured in through the skylights, flooding the entire room with light and warmth.

I waved when I spotted my dad and his colleagues, making my way across the room to the group of older men.

"Hi, dad!" I said cheerfully, giving him a hug and a peck on the cheek.

"Hi, sweetheart. Gentlemen, you remember my daughter?" My dad said, ushering me over to the group. I noticed a few of the men's eyes wandering over my body as I approached.

Fucking skeezy old men.

The men nodded their acknowledgment as I smiled politely at them. Just then, I noticed one of the men walk over. His name was James and he was one of the partners at my dad's firm. I had met him a handful of times at various events. He was originally from England and spoke with a thick British accent.

"So nice to see you again!" He said, taking my hand in his, shaking it lightly. "I was delighted when Bill told me you would be joining us. My grandson is visiting from England and decided to tag along. He's about your age, I'd say. Maybe you can teach him a thing or two about golf." He winked, releasing my hand from his grip.

"Think I'll be just fine without the tutorial. Thanks though."

I heard the deep, accented voice before I saw who it belonged to. Spinning around quickly, I found myself almost crashing into the owner of the voice. Looking up, I found myself locking eyes with the most gorgeous human being I had ever seen before. Sparkling green eyes, long dark curls trailing over his shoulders, a jawline that could cut glass. His features looked like they had been carved out of marble by a Greek sculptor. Letting my eyes trail down his body, I took in the fitted gray polo and bright red golf pants he was wearing. He was tall, a full head taller than me, and his body was slender and athletic. I could make out his taut muscles under the thin fabric of his shirt and without warning, an intrusive thought popped into my head...I want to touch him.

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