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Cause all I know is we said, "Hello"
And your eyes look like comin' home
All I know is a simple name
And everything has changed
Song; Everything Has Changed by Taylor Swift

3 Months Later

I had circled LAX about a half a dozen times in my Range Rover, waiting for Harry's call. I had honestly arrived way too early but I couldn't help myself. I hadn't seen him in three months and I couldn't hold back my excitement.

Getting antsy, I looked at the time on my clock. 1:38. He should have landed by now....

Just then, as if my eagerness had summoned him, the music on my car cut out, replaced with a loud ringing and Harry's name on my display screen. I answered immediately, desperate to hear his voice.

"Hello?" I said excitedly.

"Hey, princess." Harry's warm voice filled my car. "Sorry it took so long. I had to go pick up Stella at the cargo area. We are just headed out the door now."

"It's ok, I just can't wait to see you! You're coming out of terminal B, gate 153, right?" I asked, finding the exit to terminal B.

"Yeah, I'm standing outside now. I've got a shitload of luggage and a massive dog crate. Can't miss me."

Sure enough, I spotted Harry from a mile away, standing on the curb next to Stella's crate and two giant suitcases. Pulling up next to him, I threw my SUV in park and jumped out of the car.

"Harry!" I squealed, running to him and throwing my arms around his neck.

"Hey, baby, miss me?" Harry nuzzled into my ear as he hugged me back, squeezing me equally as hard.

"So much." I nodded, pulling back and kissing him hard on the mouth. I felt his hands run down my body, gripping my ass tightly as he slid his tongue along my lips.

"Harry..." I murmured against his mouth.

"Mmm," Harry groaned. "Careful baby. I'll fuck you right here in this airport terminal if you keep saying my name like that."

Before I had the chance to say anything back, I heard a loud whine coming from the dog crate.

"Stella!" I cried excitedly, moving away from Harry. I dropped to my knees in front of the carrier, sticking my fingers through the wire door. I was greeted instantly by Stella's warm kisses.

"Is daddy being mean and not letting you out of your cage?" I cooed, unlatching the door. Stella pushed out of the crate immediately, running her body along my legs, tail wagging wildly, a wide smile on her face.

"Daddy would have let her out of her cage a lot sooner had he not been distracted by mommy." Harry said, shaking his head as he started loading his suitcases into the back of my car.

I opened the back door for Stella, making sure she was safely inside before shutting it once again. Walking back to Harry, I put my arms around him once more, giving him another hug, allowing myself to take in the feeling of his body pressed up against him. It had only been three months since I saw him last but it was the longest three months of my life.

After we spent the night together after the Christmas gala, Harry and I talked. We talked all night. Literally. We talked until the sun came up. We talked about simple, mundane things and we talked about major things. We talked about our relationship and where we wanted it to go.

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