Chapter 2

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I immediately dropped the box lid as I laid my eyes on the most beautiful dress my eyes have ever seen... which terrified me greatly as to the possibilities of what will happen to me...

I quickly covered the dress without a second thought of trying it on and hid it under my bed. I then sat in silence as I pictured what horrors could come to me. "No need dwelling on the bad things," I say to myself as I head out to town but seeing someone's ball near my home... that's odd. I'll take it with me to find whom it belongs to; I continue to what as I see Victoria and Moddy talking to one another by the bakery. "Good morning," I say as they both jump at the same time. "Is something the matter?" I ask as I furrow my eyebrows together. "haven't you heard? Last night 10 vampires, witches and werewolves of the strongest kind went into the dark forest" she says as my face goes pale "w-what happened to them?" I ask slightly nervous as to what her reply might be "we don't know none of them have come out yet" Moddy says as we hear a scream.

"MY SONS, HAS ANYONE SEEN MY SONS... my two boys, my two precious boys" a woman from the townspeople cried as she fell to her knees while crying hysterically. Her eyes then connect with mine then zooms toward the ball in my hand. She began to trip as she tried to run towards me, the and townspeople began to help her and surround her "E-Elaine w-where did you find that ball IT BELONGS TO MY BOYS DID YOU TAKE THEM!" she began to scream and run at me as the people held her back.

"I found it near my home I'm sure they are out playing," I say nervously as she continues to cry. The town's leader began to give orders to search for the two boys as the women tended to the crying mother. As I look at the crowd, I don't see her husband in sight... he should be here helping his wife.... I then freeze "Poor dear chances are her kids are as good as gone if they entered the forest," one of the women says while shaking her head in disapproval.

I gasp as I begin to run towards the one place, I never thought I would go to... the forbidden forest. I quickly run as fast as I could until I'm faced with the dark forest before me. I sucked in a deep breath as I began to hear the voices of the townspeople begging me not to go in.

I clenched my fists tightly as I began to move branches out of my way, as it tugs at my dress, the voices of the people became quieter and quieter as the voices of the forest became louder. "Alex! Austin! Where are you!" I yelled out as I walked deeper and deeper into the forest. The trees were dark, and the air was cold... it was as if I had stepped into another world the sky was no longer blue, the sun was no longer visible, and life was nonexistent.

I then hear two crying boys as I quickly ran in that direction, I found them curled together by a stump "boys!" I say as they immediately look at me in absolute happiness as they jump towards me wrapping their small arms around my legs. "Come on you two let's get out of here I quickly grab both as I try to retrace my steps. But before we could leave, we all freeze as the boys scream from hearing the most terrifying growl, I have ever heard.... I immediately put the kids behind me as I protectively shield them as they begin to burrow their faces into my legs out of fear. I see a terrifying large figure in the sky with large jet-black wings .... "The beast" I whisper as my eyes widen...

The creature landed with grace but walked with absolute chaos.

"How dare you enter my lands," he said with the richest, deep, and dark voice.

"P-please... don't hurt them" I stuttered as the boys winched from the sound of his voice alone while holding my legs tightly. "P-please they mean no harm," I said once more.

"You do not worry about yourself?" He spoke and his voice sent shivers down my body.

"Please they are just children they don't mean no harm," I say once again as he glared at me his eyes held a great power... and something else...

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