Chapter 19

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My heart pounded as I watch them walk towards the gate of heaven. I begin to stumble as I use all my strength to fight. I must stop them before their evil conquers the world with every step I took my body shook. As I stand between Olympus and the underworld , I look through the light in horror once again.

I then spot Leonardo, taking the life one after another. I notice Hades sit on the throne, with a wicked smile plastered on his face. I scream as large white pillars of marble begin to crumble.

I must think of a way to return all those from the underworld back. I watch as the gods of Olympus begin to fight with the demons. I notice Hades glaring at his brothers for trapping him in the underworld. He begins to walk slowly towards them. I begin to run through the crowd as I try to reach them.

I hear the brothers clash against Hades as they draw their weapons. Hades smirked as he brought forth Leonardo their eyes widened. There creation stood in front of them alongside Hades. "Don't hurt him!" I screamed out as I watch them raise their weapons towards Leonardo.

"He's not like this he's being controlled by Hades." I screamed as they begin to fight. Leonardo attacks Zeus causing him to drop his weapon the most feared weapon throughout Olympus. Zeus's eyes widened as it laid before me. "My child of the heavens I sense you are pure I give you the ability to wield my weapon save the world." Zeus roared. I grabbed it and with all my might, I had whipped it towards Hades, his eyes widened as he had not realized what had happened... his blue flame dimmed, Leonardo fell ever so slightly.

Hades fell to his knees as he gripped the weapon with his hands as it began to burn him. Hades groaned in pain as he tried to rip it out of his body. The gods took the opportunity summoning a large portal. Pushing all the evil through it "Come my child you shall not be imprisoned in the underworld." Zeus spoke, as I look to him, with a sad smile. he simply nodded his head. "Use my blood to seal the door, Leonardo is my mate" I yelled out.

I closed my eyes only to reopen them noticing that we are all back in the underworld the large gates, now sealed shut, and covered by a God seal never to be open. Hades on his knees slowly stood as the weapon was no longer impaled into his chest, he huffed and puffed as his head slowly turn to me "You....YOU DID THIS... I was so close to be King... I WILL INSURE YOU SUFFER" he shouted as he grabbed me by the neck throwing me across the floor, I let out a scream as I feel the sharp concrete grazing my skin. "It was all going to be mine, the gods at my feet and you... you ruined it" he yelled as he stomped towards me.

"You think by having the gods use your blood to seal the door, will guarantee their safety?! Little do you know if I sever the bond, I will truly be invincible and take my rightful place as king" he spoke violently as he glanced at Leonardo, then back to me that evil smirk laid devilishly on his face once again. "What better way to sever a bond then to having your own mate kill you?" He smiled as he simply raised his hand towards me. My eyes grew wide as I watched Leonardo walk slowly towards me. "Leonardo" I whispered.

"Make sure she has a slow and painful death" Hades spoke as he uses his powers to create a throne as he watched in pleasure. My eyes grow wide once more as I feel Leonardo's powers wrap around my body "Leonardo don't listen to him; I know you're in there." I spoke between gasps as I feel him use his powers to squeeze. I let out a scream of pain as I hear Hades evil laugh.

"I will not fight you Leonardo this is not who you are" I say, as I am suddenly thrown across the floor near the edge of a cliff, I looked down and see the river of souls, if I were to fall inside, I don't know what would happen. I let out a scream once more as I'm being dragged across the floor now face-to-face with Leonardo, my eyes soften as he no longer looks like the man I once loved tears of sadness fall down my cheeks burning me as it touches my wounds. My hand gently touches his cheek, his large figure towers over me as I feel his warm breath on me... "please I know you're in there" I notice his eyes slightly flicker giving me hope, Hades looks furious as he had noticed it too before he appears behind me "This has gone on far enough goodbye angel" he used his magic and suddenly I stop moving I let out a gasp of air feeling a burning sensation... Hades had stabbed me with a dagger...

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