Chapter 3

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"Augh... b-brother" Bylethe spoke in her sleep, turning to the side and grasp the blanket next to her. "N-no." She reached out her hand to stop her brother.. but, it is already too late. He took the impact... he is gone. "B...Byleth? No. NO!! WAKE UP!!"

Bylethe jolted awake out of her slumber and took quick breathes, as if she forgot how to breathe for a second. After she realized where she actually was, she calmed down and laid back down on her bed. She stood there for a second until she got her phone off of her charger, on the top most notification was a new message that read, 'Are you finally up sleepy-head? ' from who other but Byleth from four minutes ago.

She let a short breathe out, both from relief and still trying to catch her breathe. She first looked to Corrin, who was still snoring away on her bed across the room, 'Ya I'm up and getting ready :)' she replied to his message, 'meet you in a few'. She turned off the screen and got out of bed to stretch, she went over to Corrin's bed and messed with her face, "hey, get up. It's time for school." Bylethe continued to mess with her face.

"Byletheeee.." Corrin groaned, "you wake up tooo early.." said Corrin moving to the side.

"If you don't get up now, we won't have time for breakfast." said Bylethe.

"Alright alright, I'm getting up." Corrin said rubbing her eyes, she yawned and finally managed to get out of her cozy and very soft comfortable bed. "So what are we... doing first?" Corrin yawned again.

"Well first, we change into our actual clothing.." Bylethe said already picking out an outfit in her their closet, "...but, I suppose afterwards we walk around school grounds and grab something to eat before first class."

"Sounds like a plan then." Corrin grabbed her phone and started texting a friend.

"Oh and..." Bylethe turned around to face Corrin, "um... about those, uh, Risen yesterday.. did that actually happen or-"

"Yup. We were actually legitimately attacked." Corrin interrupted.

"Oh, alright then... Do they only come out at night?" Bylethe asked another question.

"Or so what others say.." Corrin replied while brushing her hair, "although, I only heard about them back in Nohr, I've never seen any here at F.E University... that is, until yesterday night." Corrin looked to Bylethe, "Strange, isn't it?"



Bylethe locked the door behind her and followed Corrin down the stairs, "so, 'tour guide' where to first?" Bylethe asked Corrin.

"Ah. Right." Corrin looked in a few directions before she focused on one side, "this way to the Cafeteria." They have already made it back to the School Grounds, the same grounds that they were attacked by Risen but... it was compacted with students from all over the place, all who wore unique clothing that symbolized the area they came from.

"There are sooo many people here!!!" Bylethe shouted in amazement.

"Maybe a little too much people." Corrin sticked her tongue out.

As they were just about to enter the Cafeteria, someone seemed to noticed them, "Corrin!!" a female voice shouted and surprise hugged Corrin.

"AH!" Corrin was a little spooked by the sudden contact, until she turned around and noticed it we just her friend, "Ahaha, you gave me a little scare Robin." she broke from the hug so that she could properly face her, "oh Robin, this is my new roommate, Bylethe." she started introductions, "and Bylethe, this is my bestie, Robin."

"Nice to meet you Bylethe!" Robin smiled.

"N-Nice to meet you too, Robin." Bylethe gave a small friendly wave, "um, we were just about to get breakfast, you could join us if you want." she pointed to the glass entrance doors.

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