chapter 2

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“So tonight’s assignment will be pages five hundred sixteen and numbers fourteen through eighty-eight.” Ms. Bay announced.

I pulled my bag over my head and gathered my books up. I absolutely hate algebra, it is my worst subject! I groaned and walked to the doors, I just want to go home and sleep for the rest of eternity. I felt eyes on my back as I made my way to the walk for my house.

I ignored it and continued on, until I heard that one particular person causing me to stop.

“Hey bitch!” The all too familiar voice shouted out.

I turned to glare at her but was met with a smack against the cheek. Several loud gasps were let out around us. I raised my head up to the caked face slut in front of me. I snatched a fist full of her hair and tugged it sending her body flying to the side and tumbling to the ground.

She let out a loud scream and pulled me down with her scratching at my skin. I hissed out in pain but pushed it away not wanting to show any sign of weakness. I punched up my fist and jammed my knuckles into her cheek bone. She wined and pulled my bandana out.

I froze in my spot staring at the girl; nobody and I mean nobody ever takes my bandanas. I let out a low growl and grabbed her wrist and did something I never thought of myself doing.

I bit down on her boney wrist, and I made sure to leave a mark. She screamed and scratched at my clothes and kicked me in the stomach sending a low moan to escape my mouth.

Right as I was about to leave a hand print against her face a voice shouted out sending everything to freeze and silence.

I looked up to see Principal Jordan with his hands gripping his sides.

“Lyric, Courtney, my office now.” He growled.

We both stood up immediately and brushed ourselves off walking quietly behind us. I small pain would stab into me when I took a step and my head throbbed with every noise.

All eyes were on the two of us as we ventured into the doors of hell. I looked to my side to see Courntey’s side sluts and Lea with wide eyes that look like they could possibly burst at this very moment. I laughed silently and gazed back down at the ground.

I took a seat in the big leather seats that were placed in front of Principal Jordan’s big wooden desk.

“Now, please explain to me why you two were fighting on the school grounds?” He lowered his head and started to write on a piece of paper.

“Lyric started a whole bunch of crap and threw a couple of slaps at me sending us into a fight. “ Courtney stated looking at her fingernails.

My eyes widened as I stared at her in shock. Who the hell does she think she is? I turned back to Principal Jordan and opened my mouth to object that statement but he cut me off.

“Wait your turn please Lyric. Would you please share with me what Lyric said to you, Courtney?” He turned his attention to the air headed bimbo.

“Well, she said I am an attention seeking whore and that I need to get over my five boyfriends and move on with life. Then she decided she would add a nice slap in the face to that.” She shrugged.

“Principle Jordan please let me ex-“I was cut off again.

“Lyric, I said wait your turn, please!” He slightly raised his voice.

He let out a long sigh and looked back down at his papers to continue writing. After about three minutes of awkward quietness he finally looked back up. Surprisingly he turned his gaze toward me and nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2013 ⏰

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