ok good time

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Jin: here

He came closer and i moved away
Me:eew i don't like medicine i will not eat it

Jin: i you won't how will you recover huh

Me:  no no way i will rather die
Jin: you don't like medicines that means you like ingection

He took out an ingection
Me: no no no i will rather eat medicines

Jin: okay then take it

I began to run he started chasing after me my my why do I always run from him

Jin: if you won't eat medicines how will you recover

Me: i will rather die

Jin: if you won't stop now young lady then you will have to suffer ingection plus beating from me
Me: fine i will stop now

Jin came to me and my legs told me run away my heart told me to push him away and throw the medicine in the trash my

mind told me if i would do such a thing i will be the one attacked he looked at me suspiciously

Jin: if you move you will suffer
Me:uhh can i please not eat anything
Jin: dumb girl

He came to me grabbed my hand and took me to the living room made me sit he took out a medicine and then took it to my mouth

Me:never in a million years
Jin:eat or else

I put my  hand over my mouth
Jin:i said eat
I shook my head as  a no

Jin: then i will have to force you
He took my my hand off of my mouth but still i was not eating

Suga:hyung try doing it nicely
Jin:nicely my ass
Suga:what if she will eat it

Jin: uhh fine yn here comes the choo🚂 choo train🚂

He looked at me with cute eyes and everyone in the room started to laugh

he  looked at me glaring the medicine reached my lips and i

however eat it well that's was what you thought i actually had it at the bottom of my tongue

Jin:yn yn
Me:yes oppa
Jin:swollowing medicine
Me:yes oppa
Jin:telling lies
Me:no oppa
Jin:open your mouth
Me:no oppa

Jin: yn open your mouth right now
Me:no no
Jin: i said now

I opened my mouth
Jin: under your tongue
Me: there's nothing there
Jin: show me

I twisted my tongue
Jin:hah caught ya
He made me swallow the medicine while all the six were just enjoying the drama

after feeling defeated i got to my room stomping my feet

I  to went my bed and  silently sat there reading the same book after sometime ash came to give me my lunch she said

Ash:sorry but you have to do your lunch with your brothers

Ash:i don't know they asked me to bring you to the dining room
Me:nooo i want my lunch as it is

Tae:why what's wrong with doing lunch with us
Me: oh i uhh

He was glaring at me like a scary mad demon going to kill me afterwards that glare was enough for my words to stuck in my throat

Tae: are you coming
Me: d don't l look a at m me like that
Tae: you still hasn't answered my question are you coming or not

Me: i prefer eating alone

He didn't say anything and just walked away man i thought that he was going to beat me up

Ash: oh he is scary uhh yn i will be bringing food now ok
Me: ok ash btw ash i heard that you know how to play guitar

Ash: yeah i know
Me:i have one can you teach me after lunch
Ash:oh sure

Ash bring me the food and we eat after lunch she pulled out the guitar she played a song

and asked me to play it i started to play and actually i was really good at it

she than had work to do so she left me i started playing all alone i really liked how it sounded

Me: isn't it lovely all alone heart made of glass my mind of stone tear me to pieces skin and bone hello welcome home

after sometime i was on my studies after that dinner time came and i waiting and waiting 

for ash to come and hand me the dinner  after 1 hour i opened my door and peaked

Hobi:what are you doing
It was the speaker i closed the door

Me:where isa ash
Hobi:oh yeah she called me and said that she can't come

Me:ok then
Hobi:are you hungry
Hobi:you are hungry i know

Me: no i am not
Hobi: you can eat with us
Me: i would prefer eating in my room alone
Hobi: why

Me:first of all i am not hungry and second of all i prefer eating alone
Hobi: ok then i am going to eat

I heard my tummy grumble but i would rather starve then to eat food with them

i just grabbed a sneakers bar and then after sometime i went to the bathroom
after 3 hours i opened my door and saw all of them there

Tae: are you hungry
Jin: attack

They all took a gun out of their pockets and aimed it at me

Jin: now are you hungry
Me: y y yes
Jin: will you eat with us
Me: i pref-

All of them loaded their guns

Jin: now will you eat with us
Me: o ok

Then jimin and tae  came to me tae put an arm around my shoulder while jimin put an arm around my waist

and then they began to walk dragging me with them we sat down  to eat

i was hesitant to eat what if they just poisoned my food

In a cold deep voice he said
I looked at him like i am scared

Jin: yn we will be out of town for a week so behave properly ok 

Suga: should we take her with us
Jin: idk should we
Me: no you should not

Me:uhh i like staying here and study

Jk: you know there they have the coolest and tastiest icecream are you sure u don't want to come

Me:uhh no
Jk:then i will be bored
Me:still no

Rm: shut up jk she cares about her studies not like you
Jk: so what ughh

Tae: she's a nerd
Jimin: yes a big loser
Jk: no she is a monkey

Me:guys i have a name
Jimin: whatever i will call you whatever i want
Tae:me too

Jk: just ignore them yn they're fools
Jimin:what did you just call us dummy

Jin: ENOUGH i will want you to eat quietly and leave

We all started eating while tae and jimin were giving me and jk glares

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