It's all okay. (NWH SPOILERS)

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Idk whether this is sad or not, sort of a bittersweet that makes you wanna cry and smile at the same time :')

Post-college Peter, so about 22-ish

Pepper walked into the room, with her soon-to-be co-CEO of Stark Industries. Much to her denial, Pepper was beginning to get on in years and Morgan had already reached 11, about to start the age where a girl needs her mother more than anything.

The Avengers looked up from where they were sitting. It was weird, seeing such a different team to what she had first remembered. What had once been Natasha, Clint, Thor, Steve, Bruce and Tony now was Wanda, Kate, Sam, Bucky, Shuri, Hope, Scott, Dr Strange and Spider-Man. Clint had officially gone into retirement along with Rhodey and Bruce, T'Challa had unfortunately passed leaving Shuri to fill his spot as the Black Panther and Thor hadn't been around that much, still helping the Guardians of the Galaxy in space.

Pepper cleared her throat. "Thank you for coming today, I know it was short notice. Since Stark Industries is the main provider for the Avengers, I would like to introduce you to the new CEO I've been training, Michelle Jones."

Spider-Man perked up as the African-American gave them a smile. "It's nice to meet you," she said. Shuri nodded in approval at her new coworker.

Sam shook her hand. "It's our pleasure too."

She nodded awkwardly and stepped back,  lapsing into an awkward silence. No one said anything while Wong coughed.

"Well, " Strange said finally, sitting back in his chair. "Does anybody else have anything else they'd like to say?"

"Actually...  I do."

Spider-Man swallowed as all eyes turned to him. "So..." He thought back to the email he received a few weeks ago. Was this the right thing to do? Would this work out? He cut his thoughts off short. This would work, if he tried. "I'm moving," he said suddenly. "Away. Like, out of New York away."

Well, this was surprising. Bucky spoke up. "Where to?"

"Uh... London."



Spidey fiddled with his fingers, working out what to say. "I got an offer at a research facility in London... and I accepted. I'm leaving next week."

No one spoke. Michelle eventually broke the silence. "We'll miss you." Spidey looked up. "You've done a lot for New York. So thank you."

He nodded. Michelle would never know just how much he'd done for New York. For the world. For her. But that had been years ago. This wasn't the time to reflect on what couldn't be. Spider-Man stood up. "I should go,  get everything packed and ready."

"What if we need you?" Wanda asked. "How will we contact you?"

Spidey tore off a piece of paper and scribbled down his number. "Here," he said,  giving it to Sam. "Call me if you need." With one last nod at Michelle, he climbed out the window and swung away, leaving the team with the echo of his words. Spider-Man, the famous New Yorker who had spent his entire life in Queens, was moving. Moving far away to London.

* * * * *

Peter watched out the window of the plane as the aircraft wheeled to the runway. This was it: this was goodbye. His final goodbye. Goodbye to what was once home. The place full of memories, the place that shaped him into the man he was.

The plane began down the tarmac, increasing speed as the engine roared. Then, with a pressure nearly as heavy as the one weighing on his heart, the plane lifted off.  Peter watched as they flew over New York, the buildings growing smaller and smaller as they flew farther away. He would never swing through those streets again. Or see those familiar faces of those who once new him. He would no longer say he lived in New York.

"You visiting London?"

Peter turned to the lady who had spoken next to him. "No, I'm moving."

"You'll love it in London. Kind of like New York, just British."

Peter gave a soft laugh. "Yeah. It's weird saying goodbye to the place you grew up in."

"Yeah." She gave him a smile. "It's hard to let go sometimes."

Peter nodded. She was right. This was the last thing he needed to let go. The final step to a new life. No longer would he he the shy, socially awkward nerd who was struggling finacial-wise. He wouldn't be known as the orphan, or the loser, or whatever stupid names people had dubbed him. He was Dr. Peter Parker. A scientist, a great mind, a genius. Someone who knew how to recover. Someone who knew how to let go of the past.

He sat back, putting on his music as he closed his eyes. A faint, almost childlike excitement grew inside of him.

He couldn't wait to start his new life.

* * * * *
5 years later

Peter climbed into his car, switching on the radio. The ABC news came on, mingling with the sound of the light drizzle falling outside. He secured his thermos filled with tea in the cup holder and pulled out onto the road. Life was good in London. Apparently Peter picked up accents incredibly quickly and soon no one guessed he had moved from New York. Tea was the greatest beverage, especially on a cold, rainy morning, which was incredibly common in Britain.

"Pepper Stark has officially stepped down as CEO of Stark Industries, leaving Michelle Jones, who has been working by her side for the past several years, to take the mantle."

Peter's job was also great. They had made many breakthroughs in science and were working on more sustainable solutions for the world.

"Captain America, or Captain Wilson, has announced three new Avengers, including Wong's protegee Ned Leeds, Morgan Stark, also known as Iron Heart after her father, and New York's recent Spider-Man that took up the role after the earlier one moved away."

Peter smiled. At least New York was still being looked after. London was certainly surprised to see the webhead swinging around when he first arrived. But they welcomed him with open arms, especially the Queen, who invited him to tea after he saved her grandchildren from a drunk driver.

London was home now. And Peter was content. It wasn't perfect: life never was. But that didn't mean that it would never be good. Life was okay. Peter was okay.

And that was okay.

It was all okay.


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