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Emolga sat on the boat,looking out across the pristine waters. Her parents were below deck at that moment, sorting out some things with their new house. Emolga's father hated paperwork, especially paperwork associated with losing money. But Emolga's mother didn't care about paperwork as long as it meant that they'd get a lovely new plot of land in a new town.
The house's seller had said that the house was a small, wooden hut which were the rage among Pokémon. The hut was in a nice, fairly small town in a plateau with flowers and plants that were pretty, delicate and vibrantly vivid. Also, the people and school there were said to be nice! A night future appeared to be ahead, it seemed.
Emolga wondered if she would fit in in the new school. She did consider herself to be kind and caring, and her black, white and electric yellow fur on her flying squirrel body looked nice. But what if the other Pokémon didn't like that sort of thing? Would she be singled out for being too nice?
Which her parents said wasn't a thing, but that was what it was like at her old school. Nasty Pokémon. They all made fun of her. All of them. She never told her parents, but it still hurt her. But, no. She wouldn't let them win. She was stronger than that. She was willing to accept these new Pokémon with an open mind and an open heart. She was just that sort of person. A bit naïve, but she had strength where it counted.
"Emolga?" Emolga's mother called for her below deck.
"What is it, mum?" Emolga answered back.
"Can you come below deck to sort out your suitcase before we arrive at the town?" Emolga's mother requested politely, as she always did.
"In a minute, mum."
"Ok, just be quick."
"I will!"
Emolga took one last look at the bright blue sky dotted with cotton candy-looking clouds, the crystalline ocean that refracted the light from the sun in mysterious ways. And now, she could see her new home. A naturalistic island, with the town barely visible, fairly far from the coast. It was beautiful; she would miss it.
"Ma'e!" a white and cyan pelican Pokémon shouted.
"Oh, hello, Pelipper." Emolga smiled at the captain, who she was just noticing was standing at the front of the deck, as silent as a butterfly flaps its wings.
"I's beau'iful, isn' i'?" Pelipper sighed. Not being able to pronounce t's made it hard for Emolga to understand what he was saying, but she was often able to work it out in a second or two.
"Yeah..." Emolga sighed, joining Pelipper, "My mum called for me, though, I should be heading down."
"I only wanna ask one thing: will you miss i'?" Pelipper asked.
"Well, yes. Who wouldn't?" Emolga laughed.
"Emolga!" Emolga's mother shouted louder this time.
"There she is again." Emolga said before adding to her mother, "I'm on my way, just give me a sec!"
"I hope tha' I'll be seeing you again, very, very soon." Pelipper smiled.
"Me too."
Emolga waved subtly before quickly scurrying below deck to pack up some of the things she'd taken out of her bag on the boat. Pelipper was a family friend, as he had gone to college with her father. Back then, he had still been a Wingull, but not any more.
There were so many good omens that suggested a bright new future for Emolga. Sunny skies, talks with old friends, and the town was just as pretty, if not prettier, than it said it would be in the brochure. Emolga smiled as she looked forward to a world of something new.

To be continued...

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