Chapter 6: What Really Happened

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After a few more days of brooding, Emolga gave up on trying to convince people and just concluded that she must have seen a trick of the light. Really, she knew that this was not the case. But what other choice did she have?
Over the next week at school, Snom and Mr Groudon were nowhere to be seen. Miss Beautifly taught the class (which she struggled to do but managed) in Mr Groudon's place. Emolga simultaneously wanted them to return and to stay far away, but she didn't know which she wanted more.
On the Friday, Emolga was going to eat some pancakes at Oricorio and Sons, the local diner, with Litten and the others. Emolga had found herself to be looking forward to this all week. It had helped her to distract herself from the negative memories.
Yes, she was supposed to be going to Oricorio and Sons, but that all changed when she heard Machop say;
"Oh, Snom! Where have you been?" Machop was polite as always.
"Home, throwing up violently." Snom responded nonchalantly, looking around. Was he looking for her? Should she hide?
"Damn, that sucks. Anyways- do you want to meet up on Saturday at the library to work on the project?" Machop asked.
"Good idea, Machop. Emolga! Come over here, we're discussing the project." Snom spotted Emolga, the project almost definitely being a cover-up.
Not having any good reason to say no, Emolga wandered over. She could feel Snom's icy glare on her and she shuffled uncomfortably before it went away. She also felt another gaze, which turned out to be Miss Beautifly in the corner of the room. Was she in on it too?
"So, we're getting pancakes, right? Cool, cool... but I might be a bit late, and I think that Emolga wanted to show me something, right?" Snom set up a narrow corridor to wiggle out of.
Emolga stopped trying to wiggle and simply said, "Yeah."
"See you there, then." Machop nodded before peeling away to join the others. Emolga heard him telling Litten that she would be late.
Emolga had no choice but to go with Snom now. She felt every cell of her body struggle randomly and she felt a bit faint, but she wouldn't let it overpower her. She had to be the stronger person.
"Emolga?" Miss Beautifly called, "Have an open mind."
Snom added, "Yes, please do. I have a tight schedule that does not allow room for persuading you into believing me."
"I don't even know what to believe anymore." Emolga shrugged.
"Ok, then-"
"But I want you to know that I'm not scared of you." Emolga hardened her outsides to protect her soft, mortified insides.
Snom nodded, "Perfect. Follow, now."
Emolga shook her head and left the classroom, pulling her bag up onto her shoulder a bit more.


It was definitely that place. Emolga recognised the rock, and Mr Groudon was there so that was a giveaway. He appeared to be studying something, but Emolga couldn't tell what. And then she could tell, and she felt a bit queasy.
Phantump lied there, an empty shell. It appeared that even ghost types didn't get blessed with eternal life. Mr Groudon was looking at the body, studying it like he was a thing to be investigated and not a living thing. Mr Groudon looked up from his work and smiled.
"I see you bought her! Good job, Snom." Mr Groudon nodded, "Um, welcome. Sorry that you got all involved in this but it isn't what it looks like."
"Just go on." Emolga grumbled. She could be at Oricorio and Sons by now.
"So, Emolga, basically what's going on is Phantump doesn't exist." Snom said as if that was normal.
"That doesn't make sense." Emolga shook her head.
"Yeah! In this case, seeing is believing. And we do have visual evidence - Snom?" Mr Groudon prompted.
"Of course." Snom nodded.
Snom closed his eyes and appeared to concentrate on something. Emolga would've laughed but she refused to do so. And the humour quickly turned to fright, anyway. Snom appeared to faze in and out of existence, his body flickering with yellow-white energy. What was happening?! Surely this wasn't evolution?
And then it started to happen to Phantump too! Except something else was appearing in his place - a creature unlike any she's seen before! He had blood red skin that bulged over muscles of unnatural size. The creature had crimson limbs that twitched ever so slightly, and a long black stinger on his tiny face. Emolga thought about the sting on her neck and linked it to that stinger, and realised that Snom was right.
"Is it dangerous?" Emolga whimpered.
"Very! That's why I killed it." Snom grinned, pleased that Emolga accepted the truth so easily, "You know, you're smarter than I give you credit for."
"His name is Buzzwole, and he's what we legendary Pokémon call an ultra beast." Mr Groudon explained, "He stabs you with that aggressive needle nose, and he makes you fall in love with him before he takes you somewhere to drain your essence, your life force. That's what they run on!"
"Lovely." Emolga frowned.
"Do you know what's not lovely? There are at least two more of them on this island!" Snom grumbled.
Emolga's heart leapt up into her throat, "What?! We have to stop them!"
Mr Groudon gestured to himself and Snom, "Yes, we. You need to get back to the village and stay safe, ok? If you see anything suspicious, my house is along the Southern coast. You'll know the one."
"But I have to help!" Emolga objected.
"Detention, Emolga!" Mr Groudon shouted, before adding, "Not really, I'm sorry! I couldn't help it."
"Ok, ok. I might go back."
"Wait!" Snom stopped her, "Emolga, you can help! Can you ask around for us? About the ultra beasts, I mean."
"Will do!"
"Emolga? I wish that there more yous in the world..!" Mr Groudon sighed, "Go on then. Off you pop! And be careful!"
Emolga waved and smiled, now knowing what had happened. She no longer felt confused, now she felt determined to stop the ultra beasts. And she also had another opinion on Snom. Maybe he wasn't as bad as she thought he was.


Oricorio and Sons was a quaint little establishment. The roof of the building was thatched with butter yellow straw, and outer walls painted the colour of cream. On the inside, the walls were planks that surrounded a floor of uneven, grey and beige slabs. Sat on the slabs were cute little wooden tables.
On one of those tables was Litten, Machop, Charmander, Chikorita, Cottonee, Mudkip and the delicate flower Pokémon Floette as well as Buizel who Emolga hadn't seen at first behind all of his empty plates. There was also one empty slot with a full plate of pancakes beside Litten, which Emolga assumed was hers. Of course, it was worth checking anyway.
"Is this for me?" Emolga asked.
"Of course! Come on, sit down." Litten patted the seat.
"Snom couldn't make it, so you'll have to put up with me!" Emolga explained.
"Is it his violent sickness?" Machop asked, leaning around Litten.
"Um- yes." Emolga lied quickly.
"Ew! Not at the table, you two!" Mudkip laughed across from Emolga.
Now Emolga had to try and slide in a little something about the ultra beasts, but she had to do it inconspicuously, like a spy. Emolga was decent at lying but not amazing... how long would she last?
"Have any of you seen Phantump?" Emolga asked.
Real smooth, totally not random at all!
"Who?" Litten asked, "You're having a laugh, I don't know any Phantumps."
Never mind, then.
"Are you sure?" Emolga asked.
"Yes..?" Litten turned to Machop, who shrugged.
"Mudkip, he literally sits next to you in class!" Emolga added.
"Are you feeling ok?"
"Maybe?" Emolga mumbled, "Actually, maybe not. I need to head home. Sorry."
And without another word, Emolga got up and left the café. She had to get to Mr Groudon's house to let him know that everyone had forgotten about Phantump- Buzzwole- did it matter? She had to go! Fast, before there were any distractions.
But Emolga could hear the patter of footsteps behind her and knew that she was too late to avoid distractions. She turned around and ended up facing Litten, who was standing there looking concerned.
"Can we talk?" Litten asked.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2022 ⏰

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