Chapter 1: New Neighbourhood

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Emolga's parents looked exactly like her, exactly. It would be kind of creepy, except Pokémon of a species did all look quite similar. It was why they were species, they were categories based on looks (the main way to tell people apart was the size of different body parts. For example, Emolga had a longer than average tail). But as Emolga's parents dragged their luggage down the street to their new house, they looked very old and withered, like a leaf in a drought, compared to her. Emolga's two bags were a lot easier to carry.
The house, like the island, looked even nicer than it did in the brochure. What looked to be just a simple oak house turned out to have a garden out front which the family was not aware of. Emolga could imagine how annoyed her father would be that he had sold his tools. His sitrus berry plot was the pride of his life, but it wouldn't be any more.
"Hey, Emolga?" Emolga's mother panted as her father cried in the background.
"What is it, mum?" Emolga replied, setting down her bags beside the fence. She knew what was coming.
"I made some cookies, they're in one of the bags your dad was carrying. Can you pass them out to our neighbours?"
Yup, cookies. Welcome cookies, with nuts most likely, as they were a family favourite. Emolga had done this before to new families moving into her old neighbourhood, now it was time to reverse the roles a little. It would be kind to pass them around... but then again, Emolga hated social interaction. And asking for nut allergies would mean more talking, oh no.
"Yes, mum." Emolga said through a gritted smile.
Oh well. It would be best to just get on with it, and then she would be able to spend the afternoon to herself before school the next day. Her parents had told her that she didn't have to start school the day after the move, but Emolga wanted to meet new people, and when better than a Monday morning when everyone was too tired to object to a friendship?
Emolga made herself laugh as she grabbed a plate full of cookies and her father still screamed in anguish in the background. She almost laughed more, seeing how comical he looked, but she knew better.
"And get your dad some new gardening tools while you're at it, please. There's some money in that bag too." Emolga's mum smiled grimly.
"Got it." Emolga grabbed the money, "Love you."
"Love you too, sweetie!" Emolga's mum smiled less grimly as she began to take some bags into the house.
The first house was identical to Emolga's, except that the garden had happy little sunflowers growing from it, beside some newly blooming tamato berry plants. They were red, small, round and had spikes as sharp as their taste. Emolga had always longed to try one, maybe soon she'd get the chance?
"Can I help you?"
Stood at the open door to the house was a cat, with fiery orange-red striped across his face and back, and a tail that ended in a frayed black tip. He also had a bell around his neck, one that looked oddly like molten lava. He leaned against the wall and eyed her suspiciously, making Emolga shiver.
"Umm- would you like a cookie?" Emolga held up the plate.
"No." the cat didn't move.
"Oh. Is there anybody in you house who would like a cookie?" Emolga whimpered.
"Probably not." the cat smirked, "Now beat it."
Suddenly, a small, brown cushion hit the cat's head from behind him, and a smaller looking version of the cat, with redder stripes emerged and she said, "Actually, I'd like a cookie, thank you Torracat."
The older cat, supposedly Torracat, scampered back into the house, looking annoyed. Unlike Torracat, who was teenager age, this new cat looked to be around Emolga's own age. She was also a lot nimbler, and her face was plastered with a smile that was honest.
"Yo, I'm Litten." Litten held out her tiny black paw, "What's your name?"
"Emolga, umm- pleased to make your acquaintance." Emolga shook Litten's paw.
Litten turned to the tamato berries in the garden space, and she grabbed one and threw it to Emolga, who popped it in her mouth without thinking.
"This is so good! Did you plant them?" Emolga squealed.
"No, they're my brother's." Litten laughed.
Emolga spat out the berry quickly, "You could've said!"
"Consider it repayment for him being rude to you. If he asks, then I ate it. I do it all the time." Litten exclaimed.
"But... stealing is bad!" Emolga laughed uncomfortably.
"Don't worry so much!" Litten sighed, nabbing a cookie with her sharp teeth, "Come, lemme show you around town."
Emolga collected herself and followed Litten as she trotted down the street. She also re-organised the cookies on the plate to make them appear more presentable. Emolga figured that she might be able to use the sun's that still flourished above the town to her advantage like they do in food advertisements.
"Can I have another one? They're really nice." Litten asked, snatching up another cookie and resetting their presentation efforts.
Emolga responded, "My mum would be happy to hear that."
"She should be! There are a few empty shops in the square... she should make a cafe." Litten suggested.
"We still need to get our affairs in order first, but then, maybe." Emolga thought.
Emolga watched as Litten studied her. Her black slitted pupils flickered across her beady yellow eyes, looking Emolga up and down. She pretended not to notice and instead went back to arranging the cookies.
"I have a feeling I'm gonna like you." Litten purred.
"Who are ya gonna like?"
Another Pokémon came waddling down the dirt road. He had orange and beige fur, with a little tuft of orange bouncing about lazily on his head. Around the Pokémon's neck was a yellow rubbery thing which Emolga couldn't place, and the Pokémon's long body ended in twin tails which reminded Emolga of a corkscrew.
"Buizel! Get over here! This is Emolga, Emolga, this is Buizel." Litten exclaimed.
"Hullo. Ohhh, food! Yes, me favourite!" Buizel gasped.
"The cookies, you mean? Or food generally?" Emolga asked.
"I dunno, mate. Just, whatever." Buizel answered, "Ya know?"
"Oh." Buizel glared at Emolga as if she was crazy (not that Emolga even knew what Buizel had really said or meant), "See ya tomorrow at school, ok Litten?"
"You bet." Litten waved.
Emolga turned to Litten and then went to turn back to Buizel, but he was gone. Emolga then confusedly returned to looking at Litten, who stood there, smirking in a way that wasn't like her brother's face, so Emolga knew that the smirk wasn't unkind.
It still made her feel slightly intimidated, though.
"Umm... what was that about?" Emolga whimpered.
"Buizel eats far too much, but goddamn, he sure is fast. It should be illegal!" Litten laughed, "Is something wrong?"
"He was there and then, GONE! POOF! ARE YOU NOT CONCERNED ABOUT THE SCIENCE BEHIND THAT?" Emolga squealed, looking at where Buizel had stood.
"Ugh, science makes me ill." Litten spat.
"Well, I like science, and that was..!" Emolga panted, "You know what? Never mind. Would you like another cookie? I mean, like, Buizel took most of them, but..."
"Sure." Litten smiled.
"My mum will be looking for me in a minute." Emolga sighed.
"We didn't even get to properly look at the town." Litten frowned.
"First day! I need to help her unpack, before my dad- oh no! I forgot to get tools for my dad!" Emolga groaned.
"I'll sort it, trust me."
Emolga looked at Litten, "You would do that?"
"Of course! I'll bring them to you tomorrow, if you go to our school?" Litten prompted.
"Cedar Academy?"
"That's the one!"
"Oh my god, Litten, you're the best." Emolga sighed, "I'll see you tomorrow, then!"
"Bye!" Litten waved, scurrying towards the town square.
Emolga watched Litten leave. They had done so much together already, considering that they'd only known each other for about half an hour. Half an hour! Had it only been half an hour?! This town was jam-packed with excitement! Emolga smiled as she walked on back to her house.


Emolga sat down on the sofa which she had just watched her dad pop down. He still looked faint, but not sad. He was probably too tired to be sad. Emolga's mother took the somehow empty plate from her.
"You got rid of all those cookies that fast?" Emolga's mother beamed.
"Yup! And I made some friends, one of which is sorting out some tools for dad." Emolga explained.
Emolga's father shone, "REALLY? TOOLS, F-FOR ME?!"
"Where are they?" Emolga's mother asked.
"I'll have them tomorrow." Emolga answered, as her father went back to wailing his worries away.
"Speaking of which, you should go to sleep early tonight, since you'll be waking up early tomorrow."
"You're the best girl I could ask for!" Emolga's mother smiled, "I love you so much."
Emolga smiled at her mother before going upstairs to pack her bag for the following day. The first day of school... how exciting! She'd be able to see Litten again and properly meet Buizel as well. Emolga smiled again. She loved to smile. And even if she didn't, today was a day for smiling!

To be continued...

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