PLEASE READ! (Kind of ranting, but facts)

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STARS DAMMIT! blkbggggauhfdklbvn liuahesklnoinawublvkakzjxsdz atpwuiynawi tvlblisiaekt;bsdvfklaet ahjkrlbsmns kmjvmlb folru,tyabji4lwhij;kn;ls;gdkhrjgol;;lf;sbkhdmg;bfsn;dsbkm;t.x b. 

 I'm sorry, I just needed to put that somewhere. I am personally not a person for politics. I just really don't enjoy them and watching the messes that people make. But this? Russia invading Ukraine? What I recently heard from @MoonstonesAndMangoes about Guyana and Venezuela (check out her Message Board PLEASE, [true] information needs to be spread)? What I've been reading about Taiwan and China? The rising tensions between the biggest three superpowers the U.S, China, and Russia? Stars, I can't NOT hear and listen to this. Here in the U.S, you hear about it from news sources, and maybe even see some of the impact if you or a parent are in the military or you live near a border, but in most places, the worst you get is that you hear about it. But then, life just goes on. Like nothing matters anywhere else. But, at least for me, it just sort of...weighs on my conscious if that makes any sense. Because it's happening, and people are dying and going through all these tragedies, and yet here I am, sitting at my computer eating chips because nothing is wrong over here. And I can't donate or anything because I don't really have my own money or a credit card, or any way to donate unless it's in person and I do it with my parents and I don't know where the hell I'd donate!! 

Oh, and let's not forget Covid!! HAHA, THAT'S JUST ANOTHER LAYER TO ADD! PEOPLE FUCKING SICK AND DYING STILL BECAUSE OF THIS STUPID VIRUS BECAUSE NO ONE WANTED TO DO SHIT ABOUT IT IN THE BEGINNING! Over here, in the U.S, our ex-president wouldn't do anything about it, so we've lost millions of people (And I am still very. Very. Mad about that/this). Some other countries did so much better with this. Ok, sure, I will admit this and acknowledge this. But still there's Covid over there and war, and poverty, and I just- I'm actually close to tears on this end, the world is just falling apart.

 Of course there's good things. At least, there is over here, but all of this over shadows that! There's people who are accepting of black people, of LGBTQ people, and then you look over, and see all these racist and sexist and phobic and just plain nasty people who are still stuck in the past and can't get their head out of their ass!!! 

I can't even find a good way to end this, this is a mash. Sort of a rant. But please. PLEASE. Just please think about your actions, think about the countries going through this stuff, think about ways you can help, spread only true information, never spread misinformation, and please, for the love of stars, don't be discriminatory. Don't blame the citizens of the country, blame to leaders. It's not the people living in that country's fault. And, again, back to the discriminatory, don't be racists. Don't be sexist. Just- just don't be a dick or a bitch or an ass. Ok? 

Thank you, I love you kit kats.

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