Chapter 2: The One with English Class

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"There's things I'm hiding deep beneath my skin."
- Bullet For My Valentine

Chapter 2: The One with English Class

"How dare he?" I fumed as I stomped towards the cafeteria with a giggling Ivy in tow. It was already lunch now and all I could think about was the nerve of the guy.

"I can practically see steam rising out of your ears." commented Skye, earning herself a glare from me.

"Hey Alex, calm down. Don't you think that you're overreacting just a tad bit? Take a deep breath and while exhaling, let go of all your anger." said Ivy, with a supposedly serene look on her face.

You know that peaceful expression you get when you finally release a fart you've been holding in for too long? Yeah. That's how she looked.

"Who are you, Gandhi?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

With a sigh, she gave Skye a pointed look, as if to say 'Your turn now'.

"Actually Ivy, I'm with Alex on this one. He provoked her for absolutely no reason." said Skye.

"He's in my bad books now; not the best way to start school."


"So, where do you think the new guy will sit?" asked Skye eagerly, as she scanned the cafeteria while we sat down at out regular table by the window.

"Uh, just a minute, let me look for my crystal ball - Oh, wait! I don't have one." I said sarcastically. I could be the next Chandler Bing.

"Hey Skye, you should go to the Chemistry Lab." said Ivy innocently.


"To look for liquid nitrogen, cause you just got burned! You don't know how long I've waited to use that retort." she squealed as she did a mini-dance routine.

Smiling at her childishness, I asked aloud, "I wonder where Jason and Michael are."

"Oh, Coach called them to practice for the upcoming football tournament." shrugged Skye.

Michael and Jason, also known as Dumb and Dumber, were part of our so-called 'gang'.
Okay well, they aren't that dumb. We just call them that to annoy them.

Michael is a teenager who broke all stereotypes. He's a skinny half-Asian with shaggy black hair, a pale complexion, and slits for eyes. Looking the way he did, everybody expected him to be the class nerd and horrid at sports. He astonished everybody by being the least interested in studies and by being magnificent on the field. He has turned out to be one of our school's most prized possessions.

Jason, on the other hand, is a living stereotype. Charming, blonde and muscular; the ideal American jock. Although he has girls fawning over him, he is the perfect gentleman. What more can a girl ask for?


The whole lunch period passed without the guys showing up.
Thank god. They would've stolen all my food.

It was English now, a period I absolutely dreaded. Not because I didn't like it. I mean, literature is great. But, not so much when the lady teaching it is old enough to be your great-grandmother.
She has absolutely no connection to the modern world whatsoever. To worsen matters, she is incoherent, probably due to the fact that she's lost most of her teeth.
But, she is partially blind and deaf and has the memory span of a goldfish, meaning you can do just about anything in her class and get away with it.

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