|❤️Detroit: Becomes Human AU🤖❤️|

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[Detroit AU where Mondo and Taka are both androids.]

[Mondo's POV]

"Stay here! And don't move!" My owner said in a loud tone as I sat in the car that was across the street from a tall skyscraper, his workplace.

Due to my model's strong build and tall stature, I usually go with my owner when he's out of his house as his personal bodyguard but I've never been allowed to go into his workplace. I just stayed in the car like he told me as he grumbled something and leaving to go inside his work place.

Two hours had passed with me just sitting still in the car, I saw a guy kept shoving an android that was carrying some kind of package around to get them to fall as the android was walking.

Seeing the male trying to harm the android made my hands ball up into a fist and my LED turned yellow even though I didn't even know them.

I wanted to get out of the car and stop him for doing any more damage but my programing didn't want me to break my owner's orders. I closed my eyes as I chose to fight it.

Stay there until he gets back! Crack!

I could hear what sounded like something was breaking as I was trying to do the opposite of what my program was telling me to do.

Crack! Don't move! Crack!

The sound got louder and louder, the more I fight back.

Crack crack! Stay in the car! Crack!

I heard what sounded like a crash in my head before I open my eyes again.

I looked around getting the feeling that something in me had changed but I didn't have time to figure out what it was at the moment as I saw the android fall to the ground after the men had shoved them onto the ground.

"Worthless piece of garbage! What?! Can't defend yourself?! Oh wait! That's right! You can't!" The male had said mockingly as he kicked the android's stomach which made I growled before getting out of the car and going up to the male.

"H-Huh?! H-Hey what are you-!"

He got cut off mid sentence by me grabbing the collar of his shirt and threw him up against the wall holding him in place as I looked him in the eyes, clearly pissed.

"If I ever fucking catch you messing with anyone else again, I'll make your life a living hell! Got it!?" I growled while glaring at him as he paled in fear.

"A-Alright! Alright! I-I got it! J-Just let me go!"

I tsked before letting the men go and watched as the male got up hastily and bolted down the street.

I looked at the android who looked to be 5'3 with brown hair and green eyes.

"You alright?"

The green-eyed android nodded before getting up. "Yes. I'm alright. Thank you."

I gave the other android a small nod before he left. I looked at my hands a little confused about what just happened.

Did I just break my programing? I remember that there was something about some androids rebelling and going deviant. Is that what happened to me?

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