Fun Facts: Team 10>Naruto Hatake

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Alright so I was scrolling through my books, reminding myself how awesome and successful I am, when I saw that Naruto hatake had a perfect 500 votes. The new team 10 has 497 votes. Naruto hatake has more published chapters (16) then team 10 (11, soon to be 12). I knew team 10 was doing better on average and that if I updated it to 16 chapters with Naruto hatake, it would be my best book, but I wanted to know the averages for each book. Like total average reads and votes per chapter.

So I did the match (total reads ÷ published chapter ÷ votes) and I came up with some numbers, as you tend to do in 2nd grade math. Now this isn't the most accurate way to do this, it's just the easiest with my calculator.

Naruto hatake, on average, gets 1893.75 reads per chapter.

Naruto hatake, on average, gets 3.78  (3.7875) votes per chapter. That's not bad I guess. But compared to team 10, it's slacking.

Team 10 gets 2145.45 reads per chapter (it's a run on numbers that never ends and alternates between 4 and 5).

Team 10 gets 4.31 votes per chapter on average. So team 10 is better votes and reads wise, but how many reads does it get per vote? It gets 1 vote every 497 reads. Naruto hatake gets 1 vote every 500 reads. So it has, in total, 497 votes so I've successfully wasted a few seconds of your life reading that.

Anyway I realize now that If i wanted more accuracy then I should've divided the . . . I forgot. It's early and I'm taking a shit.

Anyway so not only is the new team 10 statistically better, it's also better in my opinion, which is really the only thing that matters. It's written better, the new characters added to the book are already being developed and introduced, and are more likeable, not to mention they propose actual thinking to be done by the main cast emotionally, and it's just a cuter story over all.

You know someone was actually complaining to me the other day about me saying cum instead of come in Naruto hatake and he got pissed off and stopped reading, thinking that was all I ever wrote about, but I can write less horny and cute stories. The new team 10 is proof of that, and narusasu (atleast for now) is also proof of that.

I'm just built different ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ

Don't know what I'm updating next but my phones only at 16% and I don't have my charger so it likely won't be today

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