Flightless Bird

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"B-but... how do we know for sure that I am Aerillian?" Texas asked.

"You need to try shifting... I'll go call Louis to get you a change of clothes.... we'll teach you to shift once you're dressed," California said.

Soon, Texas was sitting in California's living room with the mockingbirds, Arizona, Virginia, Louisiana, Alabama, California and MINNIES HERE TOO Y'ALL!

"Ok... um... so I just envision my animal and try to become it...?" Texas asked.

"Yep, and don't tense up. The shifting will be painful if you tense up," California said.

"Ok... but... I don't know what bird I am supposed to be," Texas said.

"Just picture of all the birds you know," Arizona said. Texas closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Mockingbird, hummingbird, woodpecker, cactus wren, duck, goose, swan, rooster, eagle...

Suddenly, Texas felt his body changing. He opened his eyes to see his limbs morphing, feathers sprouting from his skin. He screamed, because although he knew it was possible he'd shift, the process was a lot more terrifying when it was happening very slowly. However, his fear led to him tensing up, which made the experience a lot more unbearable. California resisted the urge to intervene, for he knew it was dangerous to touch an Aerillian as they are shifting for the first time. Soon, Texas turned from a human, to a small eagle flailing on the ground, with no wings.

"O-oh my god... Wh-who did this to him...?" Arizona said, his heart breaking just seeing the wingless eagle. Texas was squawking desperately, trying to stand but stumbling. California sat next to him, before picking him up and cradling him in his arms. Texas shifted back to his human form, gasping and sobbing.

"Wh-what if...," Arizona started cautiously, before holding his tongue.

"What if...?" Minnesota egged on.

"What if Texas is the lost eagle...?"

(ooooohhhhh twisty

its not actually that big of a twist

this book is cute and makes me feel like im writing a disney movie so yay

its admittedly not my best work

but i didn't make this book because people wanted it

i mean, im not saying im purposely writing sh*t and posting it just for clicks

im just having fun with this book

i hope u are 2)

The group was making their way to the empire, Texas feeling very very weary.

"Do you think the Empress will recognise me...? what if I'm not actually her son?" Texas asked.

"You look like a golden-bald-eagle hybrid. I've literally never seen one of those in person. Ever," Minnesota said. Texas sighed.

"I-I don't know... all of this is so crazy to me... and I still have so many questions... who took my wings? why? Britain said he just found me like that but... what if he's lying?" Texas asked.

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