Chapter 7

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I slowly opened my eyes from the deep sleep. It was the first time this whole month that I slept this comfortable, but I wasn’t even on a bed. The roof of his convertible was closed and I was covered by a warm blanket in the passenger seat. I looked up to find Niall leaning against the hood of his car, looking out into the sea. We were at a beach, and it was probably at least 4 am, I could tell the air was freezing. I got out of the car and walked over to stand by Niall. The wind was blowing in his hair; his cheeks were a rosy red. The moonlight bounced off his perfect features, I couldn’t help but stare.

“Are you done staring?” He said chuckling still looking towards the water

“Psshh don’t flatter yourself” I said looking away embarrassed

“Well now that you’re awake c’mon” he said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the car

“What where are you taking me now”

“Get on” he said his Irish accent made me weak I looked up to where he was pointing; the roof of the car was full of blankets laid out and a pillow. Niall gave me a push and helped me get on top of the roof and then climbed up after me.

“Where’d you get this stuff?” I asked surprised

“Picked it up on our way here” he smiled

We both rested our heads onto the same pillow, his body against mine as he covered us both with the other blankets. I should be freezing but I wasn’t cold, I felt warm and cozy. I suddenly felt Niall’s hand on my waist as he pulled me closer to him and I rested my head on his shoulder. My heart was beating hard, my cheeks burning red.

“Haha I can feel your heartbeat Maheen” he said smiling 

“Hey look it’s the big diaper” I said trying to change the topic

“It’s big dipper hahaha!” He said as he bursted into laughter

We spent the rest of the night gazing at the stars and counting them while lying on top of his car’s roof. We talked about this and that. I wished I could stay like this forever, but I would soon have to go back to work and back to the complications that had been created. I wondered how harry was, if he was ok, if he was sound asleep in his warm bed or somewhere out like me.


Niall pulled over by the main door of my apartment building, it was now 9 am. I was so glad that Niall took me away, and distracted me. I felt a lot better now. I unbuckled my seat belt to get out of the car.

“Wait” he suddenly grabbed my wrist. I looked up into his beautiful blue eyes in confusion. “The truth is, I ran out about 5 mins after you and Harry left, with your jacket. I don’t know what happened but I walked up behind you when you said you were sorry and Harry left right after saying you weren’t. Maheen I don’t know what you were sorry for, but don’t be sad. Harry;  that lad he’ll come around he always does, I can tell you two are pretty close and it’s obvious he really cares about ya, so don’t worry he just needs some time t think and he’ll be fine I promise”

I leaned in and softly kissed his cheek before whispering thanks in his ear. Niall took me away on purpose cause he knew I was hurting because of the whole fight with harry. He knew I was sensitive, that I take things as little as this and worry the shit out of it. I smiled to myself; I had to make things right with Harry. I said bye to Niall and headed upstairs to my apartment. I unlocked the door and walked in, quietly, not wanting to wake Hibba. Slowly walking into the bedroom I found something cute and surprising. Hibba and Zayn were sound asleep in each other’s arms. I let out a soft laugh and went back to sleep on the sofa in the living room, not wanting to disturb them. For some reason I didn’t feel tired, I felt like I had slept for hours when I barely had 4 hours of sleep.

My phone suddenly vibrated in my pocket. ‘2 unread messages from Curly’

I unlocked my phone to see what Harry had texted me.

“Hey, let’s meet up”….. “I’ll wait for you at the Starbucks by your building” I read his text.

I was so glad he wanted to talk about this, I was afraid he wouldn’t want to see me. I quickly showered, changed into a warm outfit, and then headed down to the nearest Starbucks:  

I walked into Starbucks to find Harry sitting by the back on a couch wearing glasses and a beanie as disguise. He obviously still wasn’t good at the whole disguise thing as a few girls stood by him excitedly and the other people watched me walk over and take a seat by him. Great. Here come the comments and stares, great place to talk about personal stuff Harry thumbs up to you.

“This is why you usually pick the place we meet up at huh?” he slowly said with a grin.

We both bought our favorite drinks (me: white chocolate peppermint mocha and harry: a café mocha with 2 shots of caramel) and headed to Harry’s house.

“I’m sorry about last night…” he finally said after we settled down on his sofa. “I guess I was a bit harsh, I don’t know what had gotten into me after I saw you two kiss” he slowly said looking down

“You don’t have to apologize…I just I really don’t want to hurt you man, you’re one of my best friends I love you, you know that right”

“I know I know you always tell me that…I guess I can’t force your feelings though can I?” he chuckled and took a sip of his mocha. I loved how anything that happened still didn’t make it awkward between us; I was comfortable talking to him like before.

“You know you’re an amazing guy right, heck any girl would die to be in my place right now…anyone.”

“But they still wouldn’t be you…” he said looking away.

I didn’t know what to say to that. Was it selfish to say that I felt loved and happy, that he actually loved me for…me? It had been a long time since I felt this way, very long.

“Harry…I” I started to say but he cut me off

“Nah don’t worry, I’m a big boy I’ll get over it, but no promises. I’m gonna need you to stop hugging me and being a lovey with me for a while” he laughed

“There’s a girl out there that loves you a lot…and she’s going to come into your life one day Harry, and when she does you’ll know it’s her” a girl that loves you the way I love Niall…

“Well can you tell her to hurry up” he smiled

“Yeah let me go message her right now” I said sarcastically and we both laughed

Truly, Madly, Deeply (A Niall Horan Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now