Chapter 13

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“niall…” i tried to say as i made a failed attempt to get up. 

Zayn ran over to where me and Logan had fallen and helped me off of Logan. I unwrapped the wires around my legs, as Liam calmed down Niall. I hadn’t seen Niall like this, ever. His eyes were full of rage, and his glare was glued to Logan who was now awkwardly picking the wires up. 

“Niall” i said as i ran up to him “you’re obviously misunderstanding this..”

“misunderstanding what Maheen? you haven’t talked to me all day, you didn’t even reply to my text messages, and then i walk into a room to find you on the floor with some random guy!” he yelled

was he actually suspecting me? i couldn’t believe it. Anyone could tell it was an accident. the tangled up wires were proof. i felt so hurt, we had only been dating for 3 days now and he already didn’t trust me.

“are you actually suspecting me?! do you not even fucking trust me? yeah i haven’t answered your texts but can you at least for a second think that it could be cause I’m busy?! what about you huh? i work at your company as an assistant manager i would know if you guys were to perform or come to the studio tonight, Harry and Louis didn’t even come! what were you checking up on me or something?”

Logan walked up behind us and tried to explain the situation. i didn’t know why but it made me angry. why did we have to explain anything, i was the one who fell and i guess it was my fault too that my own boyfriend doesn’t even trust me.  

“screw it, I’m out of here; tell James i wasn’t feeling well.” i said as i walked out of the back door of the studio into the cool winter wind. I was used to never having a jacket with me now, it’s surprising i wasn’t sick yet. *achoo!* . i regretted saying that, as the sneezing rolled in. Great, did i just jinx myself? i heard someone calling me from the distant, i turned around to find Liam. not going to lie, i wished it was Niall; but he didn’t come. 

“don’t forget this babe” he said as he made his way over with my jacket in his hand

“thanks…” i said and slipped the jacket on.

“how about we get some coffee…cmon” Liam tugged at my arm and i followed him towards the lights.

We found a little cafe, at the corner of the street in downtown London. We ordered our coffees and sat down. The cafe was small, and comforting. The walls were warm colors, and the chairs comfy. i felt a lot better already.

“i think you misunderstood Niall though” Liam finally said as i took a sip of my coffee

“no, he misunderstood me Liam, you saw what happened.”

“no you see, yes its true we didn’t have any reason to come to the x factor tonight, but Niall forced me and Zayn along anyway. Louis couldn’t come since Harry’s flight was arriving and he went to pick him up. but Niall’s been complaining all day about how misses you, and how he wanted to see you, so when you didn’t answer the texts or phone calls, we asked James and he said you came to the x factor, so Niall came along to see you. but as soon as we walked in we saw you and Logan on the ground, your faces were so close it looked intimate. i would probably be angry too if that was Natasha. “

i had no idea what to say, maybe i did over react. i felt so stupid, Niall was probably so angry at me. I would honestly be hurt too if i saw Niall on top of a girl too, even if it was cause they fell, i would be pissed. 

“im so dumb” i finally said after what seemed like forever of replaying tonight’s events in my head.

“no you’re not, i can understand how you felt too; but you need to resolve this with him asap. you guys just started, i really don’t want to see you ending for no reas—”

Achoo! i cut Liam off by my sneeze. damn i felt horrible. When i got a cold, it came down hard on me. I usually get really weak, and look like a complete mess. 

“oh no are you catching a cold? this is why i tell you guys to wear your jackets, but no you have to get all dramatic, and make a dramatic exit which always requires not grabbing a jacket” Liam went on and on and i stuffed a tissue in his mouth to shut him up. 

“i have to go see Niall” i said getting up and putting on my jacket


Nialls POV

I tapped in the security code to me apartment, and walked into the warmth of my home. I felt so stupid for letting her leave like that but i honestly had no idea what to say to her. I knew that if we kept talking, we would fight even more so i let Liam go after her. Maybe i should call her. i took out my phone and slowly typed in her number; the moment my thumb met the green button on my phone, i quickly shut it off. She probably doesn’t want to talk…did i maybe over do it? suddenly my familiar ringtone started to take over the quiet living room. i glanced at my phone. it read ‘incoming call from”her <3”. i quickly answered the phone.

“maheen! im so sorry i—” 

“Niall its me Liam” i was cut off and confused, this was obviously Maheen’s number.

“Maheen suddenly left to go see you, she came here with Logan so she doesn’t even have a car, and she by mistake forgot her bag which had her phone in it”

“wait shes coming to see me?” i smiled at the thought of seeing her 

“but shes real sick man, she kept sneezing and she was complaining about a headache, i think she might have a fever” 

Liam’s words scared me, i hung up so i could go look for her when my door bell suddenly rang. the whole time we’d known each other, Maheen hadn’t been to my house. I always get really nervous around her so i never let her come. i ran over and quickly opened the door, there she was. her nose was red, her eyes looked tired, and her voice heavy. i quickly pulled her into the house and locked the winter air outside.

“Niall we ..need to talk” she said in a heavy and tired voice as she took a seat almost falling onto the sofa. “can i have a tissue, ahh”

i grabbed a box of soft tissues and a water bottle and placed it on the table across her.

“you don’t look so good, we can talk later ok. i’ll get you some medicine; wait here for me” i said as i wrapped her in a warm blanket, she tried to escape but failed. damn she was really weak right now. i couldn’t see her like this. i quickly grabbed my jacket.

“noo niall come back we have to ta—” she started to cough mid sentence, and i headed out the door. She needed cold medicine fast. i got into my car and drove down to the nearest pharmacy. I bought cold medicine, a thermometer, Gatorade for energy, and a few bags of her favorite BBQ chips. 


I ran back into my apartment hoping i hadn’t taken too long. i heard her light breathing and as i approached the sofa, i found her sound asleep. i couldn’t help but smile, she looked so peaceful. i picked her up princess style and carried her down to my bedroom and tucked her in. Her temperature was starting to cool down. i sat by the bedside making sure she was comfortable. Her long eyelashes softly touching her skin. i couldn’t help myself.

i slowly leaned in and kissed her forehead. ”i’m sorry” i whispered. then i kissed her left cheek “im sorry” i whispered again. i kissed her right cheek and whispered “im sorry” for the third time now. and finally i placed my lips over her soft rosy lips and whispered “i love you”.

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