The 1st time Kaigaku was nice to Zenitsu

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Zenitsu's POV:

Zenitsu's legs hurt, his knuckles were bleeding and covered with scars. His head was spinning and he felt like he could fall at any minute, "No! I can't stop now" he thought, "He said I had to do this and that I could stop at sundown. I just have to hold out until then", and so he continued to punch the oak tree in front of him, not even noticing that the sun had already set until an hour had passed. When Zenitsu finally stopped, his legs gave out from under him and he crumpled to the ground, "I did it! I even went over my time limit. Gramps would be proud of me!" Zenitsu thought, "Wait but what if he's not? What if he's mad that I couldn't go even farther. If Kaigaku could go 3 hours past his time limit then I can too! I just have...", he struggled to his feet and started punching the tree again.

 Zenitsu ignored the fact that every nerve in his body was screaming at him. He ignored that he couldn't feel pain in his hands anymore. He ignored that legs were trembling and threatened to give out. One hour passed, then two, three, four, and then he collapsed. His legs felt numb and he could hardly move them. Zenitsu was cold but he didn't care, "I did it. I went farther than him." Zenitsu said to himself, he tried to get up but soon realized that he couldn't, "What's wrong with me? Did I go past my physical limit more than I thought?", Zenitsu was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't hear the footsteps behind him. "Are you done now?", Zenitsu looked up and was shocked to see who was standing there, "Kaigaku? What are you-", Kaigaku cut him off before he could finish, "The old man was starting to get worried and sent me out here. Now answer me, why are you out here past sunset? You know how dangerous that is." he said in a low voice, Zenitsu didn't answer, instead he made an attempt to stand up only to fall back down.

Zenitsu tried to stand a few more times but every attempt failed. Tears of frustration started to blur his vision, "Come on stuipd legs work! I'm only going to embarrass myself in front of Kaigaku even more." he thought to himself. "Zenitsu hurry up I don't want to be out here anymore," Kaigaku said, tears were threatening to pour down his face, Zenitsu could hear the hidden annoyance in Kaigaku's voice. He knew that in order to keep Kaigaku from getting mad at him was to just tell him to leave, "Aniki- sorry I mean Kaigaku. I- I can't get up so you can just... go on without me. I'm sorry that you had to waste time. I hope that you can forgive me." Zenitsu said. He didn't hear Kaigaku answer so he just assumed that he left but then without any warning Zenitsu felt himself being lifted up, bridal style by a pair of strong arms.

"W-what's going on? Why is he holding me? Why...why does he care about me? I'm just a burden to him, to everyone. Why didn't he just leave me behind like everyone else does?" Zenitsu's negative thoughts slowly turned into those voices that would whisper hurtful words to him. He wanted it to stop, "Shut up" he yelled at the voices, "Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut-", suddenly Kaigaku's voice pulled him out of those thoughts. "Jeez Zenitsu you're freezing. Why didn't the old man make you come in sooner?" Kaigaku said, bringing Zenitsu closer to his chest. Immediately, warmth ran through Zenitsu's body, "He's so warm and his heartbeat isn't as angry as I thought it was. It's kind of peaceful, " Zenitsu thought. For a few minutes the two of them stayed silent until they entered the house. When they got inside Kaigaku sat Zenitsu down on the floor and then left the room.

"What just happened? Why did Aniki do that? I thought he hated me? I don't know what to make of this", once again his thoughts kept him from paying attention that he didn't hear anyone enter the room. "Zenitsu" Kaigaku said, "Let me clean your hands before they get infected", Zenitsu looked up and saw that Kaigaku was holding a few pieces of cloth, bandages, and a larger bowl of water. "Here bite on this" Kaigaku said, shoving one of the pieces of cloth into Zenitsu's mouth, "This is going to sting a bit." Kaigaku grabbed Zenitsu's hands then dipped it into the bowl of water. A sharp sting ran Zenitsu and the water slowly went from a light brown to a dark murky red. "Wow you really went all out on that tree didn't you?" Kaigaku said, lifting one of Zenitsu's hands out of the bowl and began to clean it with one of the cloth pieces. He was surprisingly gentle and Zenitsu could hear the teasing tone is Kaigaku's voice.

Every minute seemed to go by slowly and besides the (surprisingly) light teasing from Kaigaku they didn't say a word to each other. Zenitsu was starting to get tired now, his eyelids were beginning to feel heavy and he kept nodding off, "I'm almost done so hold on just a bit longer" Kaigaku said, Zenitsu didn't reply to him since he was half asleep already. Zenitsu didn't see Kaigaku finish wrapping his hands in bandages. He didn't hear Kaigaku ask him if he can stand on his own. But he did feel Kaigaku grab his arms, pulling him to his feet and once again his legs failed him. He stumbled into Kaigaku, who caught him by holding his elbows. Zenitsu could hear Kaigaku say something under his breath but he couldn't make out the words. Without saying anything Kaigaku scooped Zenitsu into his arms again and carried him to his futon.

At this point Zenitsu was so close to falling asleep that he was almost convinced that Kaigaku being nice to him was just a dream. "If this is a dream then maybe I can call him brother now" Zenitsu thought as Kaigaku carefully lowered him down on his futon. As Kaigaku pulled his blanket up to his chin Zenitsu looked up at him and said, "Thank you for your kindness. Good night, Aniki'', and with that Zenitsu fell into a deep sleep. But just before that happened Kaigaku gently ran a hand through Zenitsu's hair and left it resting on Zenitsu's cheek, "Don't get used to it, crybaby." he said. Kaigaku got up and walked to the door but just before he left, Kaigaku turned around and said, "Good night, Otouto-san"

Aniki: big brother

Otouto-san: little brother

A/N: If there in any ship or duo that you would like to see next just let me know!

This is my first time writing something like this. Please feel free to give me any tips or advice on how I could have made it better. Bye everyone!

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