chapter 20

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~~Izuku’s POV~~

Once we were done eating Kaachan led me out of the restaurant and to the car and held the door open for me to get in and once I was in he closed the door and went around to get in

"Where else are we going Kaachan"

He smiled as he put his seat belt on "we're going to do a mall shopping spring" I smiled and buckled my seat belt and looked at him "well what are we waiting for" he chuckled and started that car up and started to drive.

It's been 20 minutes and I have absolutely no idea where we're going next "Kaachan where are we going" he made a sharp turn and we pulled into the parking lot of a movie theater 

"going to go watch that new movie you've been raving about"

I looked at him with a bright smile "really you mean it" he nodded while trying to find a place to park "but I thought you didn't like love story movies" he smiled as he turned the car off

 "you want to watch so I'll watch it" 

I quickly took my seat belt off and got out of the car As quickly as I could "what are you waiting for lets go" he chuckles as he climbed out of the car and grabbed my hand "let's go before it starts"

~~time skip~~

By the time the movie had ended I was crying and Kaachan was trying to make it seem like he wasn't "Kaachan it'd ok to cry at a movie like that" he clicked his tongue and grabbed my hand as we walked out of the movie theater 

"I'm not crying or even close to crying your just seeing stuff"

I chuckled and watched as he unlocked the car and opened the door for me "we've got a few extra hours to shave so we're going shopping" I watched as he closed the door and walked around the car to get in 

"So a shopping spring"

He nodded while starting the car "yup" I smiled and looked out the car window as I watched as the trees pass by



I looked at him "what if I am pregnant right now" he quickly pulled over and looked at me "Deku if you are pregnant then that will make us the happiest alpha's in the world" I blushed and smiled "you-you really mean it" he nodded and put his hand on my leg 

"Izuku no matter what happens the 3 of us will be there to love and protect you"

He grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together "I also want you to know that we truly love you and I want you to forget everything your mom has drilled into your head" I smiled as a tear slid down my cheeks and he wipped it away

"What your mom had put you through isn't right and I'm glad you chose me, shitty hair and icy-hot"

I smiled and leaned into his hand "you 3 are the loves of my life and I wouldn't have picked anyone else"

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