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We arrived at the water park at around 2:30 and we exited the car, excited to go inside. We had to wait ten minutes for Duke to arrive though, so we all took a seat on a bench outside the massive building. Hayleigh wasn't kidding. I hadn't even gone inside yet and could tell this place had everything.

Duke's black truck pulled up into the parking lot before long and my stomach sank when a girl got out of the passenger seat. I don't know why I expected a guy like him to be single, but I shouldn't have been surprised. The girl was blond and had hazel eyes. Her skin was flawless and I could tell she would look a million times better in a bikini than I ever would. I groaned at the thought that I would probably be the only one in this party to be wearing a one piece. Typical me.

Duke and Tyrone exchanged a bro-hug-type-thing and Hayleigh impatiently started to lead the way inside, apparently wanting to get into the water already. I still couldn't get past the fact that none of these people seemed to have a hangover at all after how much we drank last night. Maybe I just drank the most or something. These people could seriously hold their own.

After we checked in at the front desk to get our wristbands, we walked through the gift shop Hayleigh tried to describe to me. We decided we would come back after, because it stays open longer than the water park.

Right before we walked up to the doors that enter the actual water park, Hayleigh quickly ran in front of them and turned around with her hands out, stopping us.

"Asteria, are you ready to have your mind absolutely blown?!" She says, as if announcing she's about to show me the biggest secret of all time.

"I think so?" I said with a bit of caution. She rolled her eyes at my uncertainty.

"Okay, Hayleigh, just open up already," Tyrone said, getting annoyed with the hold up.

Before he even finished the sentence she was already opening up the doors and humidity, that I know does not naturally occur in Vermont, hit me like a truck and I felt moisture already start to gather on my skin. I've never been to a sauna before, but I'm guessing this is as close as you can get without actually going in one.

We walked down a staircase into the huge room that surrounded us. The ceilings were extremely high up and made only of glass which allowed the sun to shine through. I looked at all of the colors around me which belonged to water slides, bathing suits, beach towels, table umbrellas, tubes, everything. Hayleigh was not joking. This place looked like a blast. A smile grew on my face as I watched kids coming down water slides, screaming before hitting the water at the end. This will be fun.

Hayleigh quickly found a table in the middle of the action and set down her things. I didn't notice how much stuff everybody was carrying until they sat it down. There were towels upon towels as the group started to kick off their shoes and remove their clothing or cover up dresses.

"Alright, for the first step in our plan of attack, should we order some food, or go get wet first?" Tyrone announced. Everybody cheered at the last part, so getting wet it was.

I watched as Tyrone, Xander, and Duke all started racing for the biggest pool here. They all 'whooped' as they jumped canon-ball-style into the pool, completely soaking a group of girls not far from them. I rolled my eyes. Classic.

"Alright, Asteria, I don't Know about you, but I'm headin' to the water slide. Comin' with?" Hayleigh pulled her coverup off and rested it on top of her towel. Her hair was done up in two braids as mine had been last night and her mustard yellow bikini complemented her eyes well.

I smiled as I slipped off my shorts and pulled my shirt over my head. "You bet! Whoever makes it down fastest wins!" I yelled over my shoulder as I took off at a run towards the nearest set of twin slides.

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