Day 3:

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"Get up! Get up! Let's go let's go!" Namjoon yelled running around the cabin, popping his head into the bedrooms and smacking sleeping people in the face. They all groaned when they heard his loud voice waking them all up.

They had all packed their things the night before like planned and Namjoon carried his things out to the car to put them in the trunk.

He was so ready to get out of there that he turned the car on before anyone else had even left the cabin. Only it didn't come on. A rapid clicking noise happened as he turned the key and he froze. He turned it again and it did the same thing. He turned it a few more times and the same thing kept happening. "Your fucking kidding me." He yelled and got out of the car to pop the hood.

He took a look around and his heart dropped to his feet. He ran back to the car and got in the seat and attempted to turn on the headlights, and as he suspected they didn't come on. He hit his head on the steering wheel. "Oh my god."

He thought about how to charge the battery, but he didn't really know how to. Auto parts and even basic engineering wasn't really his thing. He thought about looking it up and when he did he remembered they had no service. He sat in the car for a long time. He didn't really know what to do and that bothered him. He took his stuff back out of the trunk and walked back into the cabin to see everyone ready to take their things out.

"We're fucked." He said sweating his bags down on the floor.

"What do you mean?" Brea asked lowly.

"I mean the car won't start and unless anyone knows how to charge the battery we're stuck here." Everyone looked at each other as if asking 'do you know how to charge the battery?' and everyone just shook their heads at each other.

"Well what if someone walked to town and ask for help?" Hoseok suggested and looked at each other again.

"Ok fine. But you will do it." Namjoon crossed his arms and Hoseok opened his mouth to say something but it never came out. "It's your idea hot shot."

Hoseok nodded strongly and put his running sneakers on he would normally wear in gym class. "Fine then. I'll be on my way and back with help. Fine." He stated and puffed his chest out a little to look brave. He shut the door behind him and everyone was left starting at each other.

"Why is everything going wrong?" Taehyung flopped down on the couch and Evelyn sat down beside him.

"Not everything went wrong," she said trying to make light of it. "I mean we had fun until about last night."

She thought that might have been terrible to say at a time like this but he and the others didn't seem bothered by it.

Hoseok was out somewhere finding civilians, and no one knew what to do with themselves.

Taehyung nervously sat on the kitchen counter and smoked out the window not wanting to go outside, Namjoon paced back and forth in his bedroom, Seokjin laid in bed and slept most of the day away, Jimin laid on the couch while laying his head on Yoongi, who was sitting on his phone playing a game that didn't need Wi-Fi to work, Brea went through Jungkooks things, just feeling curious as to what all he had brought and she didn't find anything wrong with this because he was dead, and Evelyn took a shower, brushed her teeth for a total of 6 minutes, washed her face, and did her hair and makeup before exiting the bathroom. She cleaned herself up when she felt nervous.

Brea took all the illegal substances out and set them aside, finding quite interesting things, you'd think he was smuggling drugs into a different country. He had a full on bong in his backpack, even a crack pipe with a rock in it. She couldn't let Evelyn know that.

Of course she found some charges, some clear nail polish, some contacts and clothes.

The radiation of sadness filled the entire cabin, she wanted to help somehow lift the sport or at least create a distraction so she brought all the stuff into the living room and dropped it on the coffee table. (Except the crack pipe because she didn't want Evelyn to see that.)

Seokjin whistled looking at all the substance just laying in front of him. "All of this was in Jungkooks bag? He didn't show us all of it I guess." He picked up the syringe and flicked it, seeing some brown liquid in it.

"Yeah." She said weakly and sat down next to Evelyn. Taehyung took a last drag of his cigarette before throwing it out the window and hopping off the counter and into the living room with the others.

Jimin looked up at him raising the lit joint he held in his hand up offering it to him. Taehyung out his hand up and shook his head. "Nah I just smoked 2 packs in the span of a few hours. I'm nic sick." And jimins eyes widened and then shrugged.

Yoongi stared off in the distance of the window and and Jimin clicked his fingers in front of him. "Hey. Look what we got." He passed the few grams of coke in a bag to him. "You'd think he's be back by now.." Yoongi trailed off fiddling with the bag in his hands.

Namjoon looked out the window where he was looking at the view of the trees. "I mean town is pretty far away and he's traveling by foot so maybe he's just getting there."

"Or something happened to him." Taehyung sighed slowly with a shake in his tone. Everyone looked at him with fear in their eyes.

Evelyn not wanting to even think about it took the joint from Jimin and sucked in some smoke. She gave it back and jimin did the same leaning his head back in the couch cushions. Everyone waited around for a long time. At one point Evelyn broke out the alcohol and they all fiend off of that for a while when they were all drugged up.

Everyone needed to get their minds off of the facts somehow. The facts that they were all stuck, in the middle of no where, the car was broken, one, maybe two of their friends are dead, they had no service and no idea how to handle all of this at once.

No way something could happen to hoseok. He was too strong and brave for him to be hurt or dead. It couldn't happen. Or so they all thought.

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