Day 5:

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Evelyn opened her eyes, Taehyung, who had slept beside her was no where in sight. She sat up and swung her legs off the side of the bed and went into the living room.

She didn't know where he was since he wasn't in the living room but maybe he was outside smoking a cigarette. Alone? No definitely not.

Seokjin was still laying on the couch where he had been last night. He put his hand over his eye and dry sobbed. "Oh my god. I can't see out of this eye." He said in a shock voice.

Evelyn sighed, feeling pity on him. She walked into the kitchen and brewed a pot of coffee. She poured one for Seokjin and set it down next to him on the coffee table next to the couch.

They sat in silence. They hadn't talked too much together during this trip. They kept to themselves. "Do you know where Taehyung is?" She asked and he nodded.

"Yeah a while ago he went out for a cigarette. Might be chain smoking because he's been out there since 8 o'clock." He replied blowing on his hot coffee. Evelyn hummed and looked towards the front door of the cabin.

"How are you holding up?" She asked, looking at the swelled skin around his sewed up lids.

He laughed sarcastically and took a sip of his coffee. "Oh you know I'm doing great. Just dandy!" He exclaimed. "Like I totally doesn't bother me that I can only see out of one eye and probably look like a freak."

Evelyn shook her head. "No you don't look like a freak. Just..." she trailed off trying to think of good words to use. "Just..."

Seokjin bursted out laughing. "Exactly! You can't even come up with something else to say. I do look like a freak!"

Evelyn felt really bad all of a sudden. "No no. Seokjin it's gonna be alright! We'll take you to a doctor who will fix it when we get out of here. This is just temporary. We didn't now what else to do." She explained. Seokjin hummed and sipped on his coffee.

Evelyn, having nothing else to say, walked towards the door to see Taehyung. She opened the door and looked around, jumping back when feet dangled from above the porch.


Absolutely not.

"Seokjin!" She yelled into the cabin nervously. Seokjin got off the couch and walked towards the door.

"What?" He asked and she moved aside for him to see. "Nuh uh." He shook his head and pushed past the legs to walk in the grass in the front of the cabin. The pain in his eye throbbing and sun shinning in the other eye. He shares his eyes from the sun with his hand, making him able to see better.

He stood like that for a minute. He reached into his pocket and put a cigarette in his mouth. He lit it and took a long drag. "I can't do this shit. I won't put up with your shit Taehyung!" He yelled at the corpse hanging from the tree above the roof. "Where the hell did you even get a rope?!" He scream taking a drag again before throwing it at the dead body.

By now Evelyn had gone back inside and woke up Namjoon, jimin and Yoongi. All 5 of them now gathered in front of the house starting at their friends body. All of them except jimin had a cigarette in their mouth, where as jimin hit blinkers on his vape. It died eventually and he put it in the back pocket of his jeans. "Wanna get high?" He asked everyone and they all nodded in agreement at each other before going back inside, leaving Taehyung's body hanging above the house.

"Ok but like, is it just me, or is it just getting like really unsurprising their dying? Like it's not even like sad or scary anymore it's just happening." Jimin asked and they all nodded their heads, sitting in the living room passing a joint around, looking miserable even when their stoned.

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