Angie's speech

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Its really weird. With everything that has happened, Germán is acting like his old self again. He is even letting Ludmilla stay with us as Priscilla hasn't returned yet. how could she just abandon her daughter like that? Violetta and I are starting to fear that Priscilla might not return. I just hope Ludmilla is okay. She might not have always have done the right thig but she doesnt deserve this!
"Angie" Whispered Vilu, stopping my thoughts "I need your help!" She looked so scared. She showed me to the upstairs bathroom where I could hear a quiet sniffling coming from inside. i tried to open the door but she had locked it.
"Ludmilla? Its just me. Please let me in." And to my suprise, she let me in.
"Angie..."she started sobbing on my shoulder "Do you think she'll ever come back?"
"Ludmilla, listen to me very carefully. You are a beautiful, talented, kind and intelligent. Your mother would have to be an idiot to leave such an amazing daughter like you behind. Although I never really liked her, I never saw her as an idiot, so she has to come back."
"Really?"she said, raising her head off my ,now very damp, shoulder.
"Really, the most important people in your life will always be with you. They will stay because they know you are worth all the ups and downs this world can throw at you and you deserve to be loved, every second of every day! If she is worth your tears, she will see that what you have is special and will come running back. She might even be doing the same as you, wondering if she deserves such a wonderfull daughter because that is what you are! If I was your mother, I would never be able to say goodbye. You are too amazing to be lost to something so small like this! She loves you and she will come back."
"Thank you, Angie. could you send Vilu in?"
"Of corse!" I said
Just as I was leaving she said "How do you do that?"
"Do what?"
"How do you always know what to say?"
"Its a skill, I'll have to teach you one day" I said smiling. She gave me one last smile before I left for Vilu to go in. But once I left, my smile faded. What if she never comes back?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2015 ⏰

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