Chapter 1

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"Priscilla please!" shouted Germán.
"No! I HATE YOU!" Priscilla screamed, spitting in his face
And with that she ran out the house, slamming the door behind her as Germán stood ther silently.
"Germán! Are you ok?" Angie asked softly.
Germán just stood there, trying to understand what had just happened.
"She's gone..." He finally whispered
"Germán, im so sorry"
"Mum? Germán?" Yelled Ludmilla as she ran down the stairs. Suddenly, she gasped when she saw the state Germán was in. He looked like he was about to cry, and neither Ludmilla nor Angie knew how to cope.
'What am i going to do? Shes gone...' Thought Ludmilla. This wasnt the first time her mum had done this but it had never been like this.
'I cant stand to see him like this. Evil witch Priscilla!' Thought Angie. At that moment, all she had was hatred for Priscilla. After all, Priscilla had taken away the man she loved along with her neice.
"Good riddance!" Germán spoke up.
"What!" Screamed Angie.
"This should of happened a long time ago. We were never right for eachother. Im sorry for doing this to youre mother, Ludmilla. And angie" he said, turning directly towards Angie" Im sorry for doig this to you. You only wanted to be with youre family and a woman you hated was always there."
A single tear rolled down his cheek.
"So what happens now?"

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