chapter 12: Flashback

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Previously on the last two chapters is my wedding day to James Diamond and becoming Mrs. James Diamond.

This chapter is the flashback when James Diamond and Carlos Garcia caught Camille cheated on Logan with Jett Kendall's rival and all of their rivals by the way. It was about three years ago when Camille was still dating Logan and James still with his girlfriend at the time Lucy Stone.

Camille and Logan just had a major argument about settled down and getting married. And Camille wanted Logan to quit the band and he didn't want to do that. So they broke up for good. But Logan didn't mean to do that to her. But he was drinking a lot of vodka and Hennessey as well. Bad combination by the way. So Camille walked out of her and Logan shared condo 2I and heading to the bar. And their was James and Carlos they were seating by the PalmWoods pool on top of the roof. They were talking about Carlos and his wife Alexa trying for another baby. And they saw a very upset Camille and they wondered what was wrong with her. So they went to talk to her. Back in 2010, James Diamond was helping Camille audition for a role for a tv show called "Witches On Rodeo Drive" and they accidentally kissed twice. And when Logan found out he was pissed the fuck off. Him and James had a spit ball fight with straws. And they were dressed like freaking cowboys. (Reference from Big Time Girlfriends, Season two) Both James and Logan saved their friendship. And Logan and Camille became friends and came back as lovers in (Big Time Returns, season three). So both James and Carlos walked up to Camille and they both asked her "hey Camille what is wrong with you? Did you and Logan have a fight or something?" Camille said, " no I wanted us to settled down and getting married. And I want him to quit the band as well. " Both James and Carlos were shocked when they heard this from Camille mouth.

So they just left Camille along and they went to go find Logan and Kendall. But before they were leaving the pool on The PalmWoods condos rooftop. Here comes Jett Stetson to swoop in out of nowhere. Camille and Jett went on a date just to piss off Logan (reference Big Time Double Date, season three). So they just ignored it and they left them along. After they talked to Logan getting his side of the story but Logan was intoxicated. He was no good to talking about it. Carlos and James left Logan so he can sleep it off. So Carlos and James decided to head back to the PalmWoods condos rooftop pool \ bar. And they saw Camille and Jett have sex in one of the cabanas and they were absolutely in shocked. Maybe Camille and Jett didn't notice they were there. So James and Carlos turned around walked away fast as they could.

So Carlos went back to his condo where his wife Alexa and their two kids at the time Ocean was three years old at the time and Kingston was 1 years old. And Carlos told Alexa he and James saw Camille and Jett just having sex. And he also told her about Logan and Camille fight and then breaking up as well.

Alexa couldn't say anything.

James was going back to his condo he was currently living with his then girlfriend Lucy Stone and tell her about Logan and Camille fight and their breakup. And also seeing Camille and Jett just having sex as well. But James stopped when saw his girlfriend in bed fucking his supposedly best friend Logan. His girlfriend Lucy Stone and his supposedly best friend Logan are fully naked and they are going to town on each other. They are having sex possibly drunk sex or maybe revenge sex. James didn't know. But he had to do something. So he clearly his throat and both Logan and Lucy raised their heads up. And they know they are fucking busted. Logan rushing to put his clothes back on. Lucy Stone is trying to apologize but James doesn't want to hear it. Logan tries to apologize for it. All of the sudden James and Logan are fucking fighting and it was bad because Kendall and Carlos come running into Condo 2J. And they see James and Logan fighting and beat the crap out of each other. And they see Lucy in her and James with no clothes. And she is butt naked and they realized what just happened. They grabbed Logan out of James and Lucy condo. So they left James and Lucy to talk so they thought.

Lucy tried to apologize to James. And he didn't want to hear it. And he told her they were done, finished and getting all of your shit. Don't come back ever again. You only used me for my fame, my band and being owner of The PalmWoods condos as well. So she did what James said she packed her shit, left her dog Princess she had adopted with him and left her key up a the table at the front door.

 So she did what James said she packed her shit, left her dog Princess she had adopted with him and left her key up a the table at the front door

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Picture of James and his dog Princess by the way

He absolutely devastated by this💔💔💔💔💔. He had the ring in his pocket he was about to ask Lucy Stone to marry him and become his wife and the mother of his kids. And he threw the ring box at a mirror Lucy just installed in her closet and it shattered into a million of pieces just like his heart felt. And he listened to sad songs the entire night.

End of flashback

Wow that's was deep especially this chapter. Next chapter is so much better trust me.

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