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She was there Sun and the moon

They wanted dominants

She was there  Personal Reasonto live

She made them feel

And loved

The Start to there day

And that got so much more

Love, Safety, and a Place to call home

They are Vivian Blade, Elliot Parker, Axel Stone and Julia Rose; Most of the 4 most dangerous people know to man each and everyone known to kill on sight, waiting; wanting; needing someone to dominate them, To Control Them.


Axel heard his mother scream, as he was being held back by one of his father's men Iscandar just watches him from the door. "Axel, Alex please let him go, he doesn’t deserve this!" His father sighs, snapping in turn making the thug let the small axel free. He looked from his father to his mother; pain and agony playing all over her face, her mouth started to moving, he heard to sound but her lips read. "I Love You, But You Have To Go." The rest was nothing but a blur. The night of his mothers death change him from the scared little boy who couldn't do a thing to help his mother To a Stone Cold Man and Bold Leader Planning to Take the Business right from Under His Father. He trained for years after that nightmare, going on underground missions, sharpen his skills; And got to the Top; He Needed to Look Heartless and Soon He Felt that way too.

Vivian was waiting for the news on her father. she paced the hospital ground drilling a hole in the floor, a nurse walked up to her. "I'm Sorry Miss Blade Your Father didn't Make it," vivian couldn't feel anything, the hammering in her chest and thumping in her ears, not even the feeling of her legs about to give out she was about to fall to the floor and break down. "But.." she looked at the nurse tears so close to falling. "He told me to give you a message." She handed her a sloppily written letter, but could easily be seen as her father's rushed hand writing; Down on a napkin. "Vivi my darling girl, I don't want my short coming to protect you to stop you from finding someone to love you, I know what I always said Protect you heart, I did, but Don't Keep It Hidden" as she read her father's  last words she was overcome with a fire that burned all bridges to her heart; That same fire drove her to build her father's Legacy, as the next one to take over the family.

Julia sat in the corner shaking as she looked out though a crack in the closet door seeing her mother and father about to be shot in the back of the head “Bang” all she could hear was a ringing in her ear at that moment. The man turned around and smiled at his actions dropping the gun and walking out of the room; julia quietly crawled out of her hiding spot and and grabbed the gun and without hesitation shot the man 3 times in the back, tears streaming down her little face. That day forward when she was given a task she did it without hesitation point-blank.

Elliot was siting in a meeting with his family talking about a job when a masked man walked in and pointed a gun at his mother “So the Great killer parker family sits down and actually talks?'' the man taunts. “Mrs.Parker” He says, cocking his gun, grinning “Yes what do you want?” His mother says as calm as can be “How much do you love your kids?” he says points his gun at elliot, his mother side-eyes her gun “Click” the sound of a gun being cocked echos though the room once more, as his father stands up from his sit his gun pointed at the man “Get out or i shoot.” after his fathers words; So many things happened at once 3 gunshots rang out, 2 bodys hit the ground, and there was 1 ear piercing scream. His mother died on the way to the hospital, her last words asking about her children, his father jumped in front of the bullet that was meant for him, he died on the spot. And the man took his father's bullet. But the thing that elliot could never figure out; is if 3 guns went off that night, The man took his fathers bullet, his father took the mans, then how did his mother get shot if she never had her gun to begin with. That night replays in his head everytime he goes to sleep, trying to piece together what happened that night, to find out how his mother died. So, to quiet his all night terrier he makes sure that when he kills he sees where his bullet hit to who he killed.

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