Chapter 8

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By the time school ended I was about to dart out of the student council room only to freeze when I saw Lucy still working.

Don't do it Lea. Don't do it.... Sigh fuck it.

"Your not going home?"

"To much work to do here. I'm the only person on the student council so all the work the teachers can't do are left to me."

Come to think of it. Wasn't my mom apart of the student council? If I remember correctly my dad said she was Vice President....

Why she wanted to do this type of work is beyond me. But I can't just leave her here to do all the work. Looking around I find a stack of blank paper and began to fill it out.

Name, position, date, annnddd done! I slam the paper in front of her as I sat next to her.

"What's this?"

"My enrollment to join the student council."

"You don't have to join out of pity. Besides your life will get ten times harder here when they find out you joined the student council. Do you really want that?"

"I had told my father that I was attending the same school my mother had went to. My mother made lots of friends and joined the student council. I want to live the same life she lived here. Or at least close to the same life she lived. So no I'm not joining out of sympathy, I'm joining because my mother was apart of the student council. And if it makes these pesky delinquents hate me more then so be it."

She smiled as she split her stack of papers and gave them to me.

"Your two week detention has been terminated."

Smiling I get to work. It took roughly three hours after school to get everything done.

"Ugh that was to much."

"Would you like to stop and get some coffee to help wake up?"

"I thought we weren't allowed to go anywhere in our student uniform?"

"I have a spare change of clothes in my locker. Don't you?"

"No. No I don't. Why would anyone carry spare clothes in there locker?"

"Some people like myself don't want to go home. Being at home is to painful. So I keep a spare change of clothes."

Right. Her father died didn't he? There must be a lot of memories of him in her house which is why she doesn't want to go home. Still, working all that time and not wanting to rest at home? Surly she has to be exhausted.

"If you don't want to go home you can come over to my house. My father should be home though. But he would be happy if I brought a friend home."

"Sure. I'd love to."

Smiling to myself I can't help but wonder if I have forgotten something.

Meanwhile at a nearby cafe
It's been two hours since school ended. Where is she? D-Did I really make her that mad? I know we only just met and all but, I really do want to get to know her. My life was so bland. Everything was the same. I'd wake up get ready for school and repeat the same old crap. And when summer vacation came I had nothing to do. I have no friends or people to hang out with. My mother despises me... I was literally living in a world filled with only black and white colors. So when I saw Lea for the the first time wearing the schools blue and white uniform I began to see color again.

She was so cute. She looked lost, I wanted to help her. But I was far to scared to even approach her. I could tell she was different then the others. And I knew right away that people would hate her.

How long will she even last in a school like this? Is what I had originally thought.

But swing her take down every obstacle that came in her way made me love her even more. Her fight with Lexa threw me off and I was surprised by how Lexa reacted towards her.

Who would have thought that the scary delinquent Lexa who always started fights would crumble under that small girl who held her ground.

That was when I realized. I'm probably not the only one who will get a crush on her.

Looking over I saw Sora hiding behind a tree practically glaring at Lexa and Lea. If I don't act now this girl will definitely get taken away from me. I had to toughen up.

So when I saw everyone fighting over her I new it was to late.

So I made that stupid offer to where we each have our own day to date her. But then I just had to go and mess that up. God I wish I had her phone number.

M-Maybe it's not all in vain. Maybe she's just really busy? Gah! I can't take it! Standing up I head to the school to look for her. She said she had detention which is still hard to believe but I need to have some faith in her. Taking a deep breath I slowly open the student council door.

It's to dark. Very carefully I open it up some more only to find the room completely empty. She wasn't here.

I- I really thought she could be different from everyone else. But maybe I was wrong?

"Hey kid! Schools closed what are you doing here?"

"Sorry! I just forgot something."

"We'll beat it. Couldn't it have waited till tomorrow? Damn kids."

I could feel my eyes start to sting as I shook my head back and forth trying to stop it.

NO! There has to be an explanation! Surly she didn't just forget.

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