𖦹Chapter 4| You've always wanted this, right Felix?..𖦹

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"Oh! I almost forgot!" The "boss said as he hands Felix a pen and a paper with the confirmation that he want to be ODDINARY
"Sign this Felix, and we will begin once you are done signing it" the"boss" added
Felix stares at the contract
"Come on now! We don't have all day!"

Felix takes the pen and paper and signs the paper with no hesitation
As soon as he is done signing it, the others started clapping
Felix looked as his members as they are clapping as well, smiling with their eyes glowing green.
He puts the things in the desk

"Alright everyone, enough clapping! Let's get straight to business!" The "boss" says
"Follow me now to the changing room Felix" he added
He and the other follows the "boss" as they went in a hall full of mirrors
Felix thought to himself, if he will be able to save his members, but Felix remembered that he is doing this for his friends

As soon as they reached to the designated room, one if the bodyguards opens the door to the changing room, Felix was shocked as he saw large test tubes, large enough to fit a human in, he also saw wires connecting to a green power source.
"Come inside now!" Said Bang Chan
"Don't pressure him Hyung!" Said Lee Know

Felix takes a deep breath and he walks in the room. One of the bodyguards gave him a collar.
"Here, wear this before you went in one of the chambers" they said
"I-I uhm-" Felix stutters
"What is it?" The "boss" asked
"I-I-I changed my mind" he responded as he backs up a little bit
"Oh come on! This is what you've always wanted, right Felix?" Changbin asked and they all stare at him
Then, the bodyguards grabs his arms and legs so he won't be able to escape

"Hey let me go!" Felix yelled
"You've already signed the contract Felix" just before the bodyguard comes up to him and put on the collar, he steps on the bodyguards who are holding down his legs, he then uses his legs to let go of the bodyguards who are holding his arms. He punches the body guard infront of him.
"Boys! Beat your "friend" up!" The "boss" orders his other group members as their eyes glow green again
"Yes boss" they all answered as they come after him.
"Take this!" Felix throws a smoke bomb to get away.
"Hey! What the heck!" I.N. yelled as the all cough in the smoke
Felix then jumps up the vent in order to escape
"Where did he go?!" Seungmin yelled
"We better find him! Let's go!" Bang Chan yelled as they all starts to go look for him

Felix then crawls in the vents inorder to escape.
"Oh Felix~ Where are you?~ Come on! Let's just talk for a while!" Hyunjin says as he searches in the library
"I wonder where Felix could be.." Hyunjin added
Felix looks down in the damper to see Hyunjin wandering around the library
The damper cannot hold Felix's weight any longer, suddenly, he falls out of the vent
"Aha! Found you!" Hyunjin said as he brings out his walkie-talkie
"We found him boss.." he added
"Come on Felix! Don't worry! We aren't gonna harm you! We just want you to be with us forever! Like a family!" Hyunjin says as he comes closer to him
"S-stay back Hyunjin!" Felix said as he backs up, then he reaches to a bookshelf
He grabs a thick book and uses it to hit Hyunjin.
"Take this!" He yelled as he hits Hyunjin with a book
"Ouch! Ugh! You'll pay for this!" Hyunjin yelled
The younger one started to run away, but before he knew it, the others are already there at the door
"There you are Hyung! Now calm down!" Seungmin said as he gets closer to him and grabs him so he won't be able to escape
"Let me go!" Felix yelled
"Fine, Felix, well give you a chance to think about your decision, but for now, we are gonna let you stay here.." Bang Chan said as he injects a general anesthesia to him
Felix faints and falls to the ground
"Good night Hyung! Sweet dreams!" I.N. says as they all laugh

To be continued..
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