✵Chapter 6|Back to normal✵

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Felix finally found the vent that leads to the changing room. Once he gets there, he looks down to see the staff prepping for Felix when he gets up. Little did they know, Felix is already up and he has escaped.
He took a deep breath and goes down there.
"Surprise!" Felix said as he exits the vent
The staff were shocked
He beats up the staff inside of the room quietly
One of them gets up and presses the alarm then faints.
"Shoot! I forgot!" He said as he kicks one of them

"Hello Felix! I see that your awake!" Said Han. Felix looked back as he saw his other members staring at him
"Well, what are you waiting for? Go beat him up!" Their "boss" says
The other members runs towards him.
Lee Know tries to punch him but Felix dodges it. He kicked Hyunjin and Changbin away.
"Hi Hyung!" I.N. says it delightfully as he pulls his hair
"Why hello there I.N.!" Felix responded as he punches him
Felix quickly notices the collars which are identical to the ones the staff tried to put on to Felix. He knows what to do next
"We need back up! Now!" The "boss" yells at the walkie-talkie
"Boss, we couldn't fight him, he's too strong" Hyunjin said he groans in pain

Then suddenly, the bodyguards quickly arrives in the room to attack Felix
"Well, well, well! Not so powerful now eh? Any last words?" The "boss" asked
"Yeah! Catch!" Felix grabs a wrench and throws it to the green power source. The collars on his other members starts to shock them and turns them back to normal but they fell to the ground. Not only that, the bodyguards also powered off because they are cyborgs.
"Not so powerful now eh?" Felix asked

"Ugh! No! My plan is about to go downfall!"
The "boss" yelled as he run towards Felix
"Yeah sure! Why don't you try to taste your own medicine, "boss"?" Felix yelled as he stabs the screwdriver to him on the shoulder
"Argh you'll pay for this!" He yelled as he ran away

"Tsk, that's literally all? Hitting the power source in a lab? They could've just placed it in a safe and secure place.." Felix bragged
"Ugh, my neck, and my head, it hurts.." I.N. groans in pain as he tries to get up
Felix ran to his other members to help them get up
"Hey! You guys okay?" Felix asked
"I'm fine.." Lee Know responded
"We need to get out of this place now! This place is crazy! Come on!" Felix said
"Calm down Hyung, were coming.." Seungmin responded as he gets up
The other members gets up and follows Felix to the exit.

"Not so fast! This isn't the last of me!" The "boss" returns
"Oh great, it's him again" Felix complained
The maniac starts to run towards them but..
"Not if I can help it!" Han yelled as he uses a big pipe to hit him from behind
The members were shooked for a while
"I- uhm, thanks Han-" I.N. thanked him
"Hey! Since when did you have so much energy!" Bang Chan yelled
"Hyung, no time for scolding Han, we need to get out now before he wakes up!" Felix told them as the immediately exit the building

"Finally! We're free! After 2 or 3 days of inside there!" Felix yelled
"Wait, what do you mean there?" A random person asked and approached them
"We went inside of the "Ordinary Shop" and-" Hyunjin said but he was cutted off
"What do you mean? There was no "Ordinary Shop" here!" They said
The group looks at the shop as it slowly disappeared
"A bunch of weirdos.." they said as they walked away
"Is it just me? Or are we going crazy?" Hyunjin asked
"M-my head.. it hurts.." Felix faints

"Felix? He's awake! Doctor he's awake!" Bang Chan yelled
Felix woke up in a hospital bed
The doctors and his members were surprised
"Mr. Lee! Your awake!" The doctor exclaimed
"W-what happened? Why am I inside if the hospital?" Felix asked
"Hyung! You were in a coma for 2 weeks! We thought you're going to die!" I.N. said in joy as he embraces Felix
"Woah slow down! How was I in a coma?" Felix asked
"You fell of the building became our evil clones pushed you off.." Hyunjin responded
"Wait, evil clones..?"
"Yeah, someone cloned us and turn them into evil version of ourselves.." Bang Chan explained
"So, some of it is real.." Felix said as he looked down
"Huh?" Bang Chan got confused
"Oh nothing Hyung!"
"Anyways! Group hug!" Bang Chan added as all of them hugs Felix
"Ouch ouch my arm! Wait!" Felix said as he groans in pain
"Oops, sorry!" Hyunjin apologized
"It's alright! No worries I'm fine now! Finally, everything is back to normal.."

The end.. or is it?

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Hello Lilipads! Thank you so much for reading my story! It truly means alot to me! I love you all my loving Lilipads!

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