Double- E.O.

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Background: You are Scarlett's little brother. You've been in a relationship with Lizzie for over a year and Scarlett doesn't know.

For the sake of my laziness, just pretend Lizzie's only siblings are the twins and Nathans are only.. well the twins, Scarlett and Hunter. I cba to add all the other siblings. There's too many.

*Not proof read!*

Elizabeth Olsen X MaleReader (Nathan)

Enjoy :)

Nathan POV
"Nate!" I heard my girlfriend shout from upstairs. I ran up to our room where I heard her call from but she wasn't there.

"Lizzie? Baby, where are you?" I called out.

"In the bathroom." I heard her sniffle. As I opened the door to our ensuite she was sat with her back against the wall, knees up to her chest, crying.

"What's wrong, my love?" I asked softly, running my fingers through her hair, knowing it calms her down.

"I'm scared." She said in a shaky voice.

"Why, Baby? I'll protect you. You know that. What are you scared of, mi vida?" I kept using different pet names, knowing that too calms her down.

She said something quietly but I didn't catch it. "What did you say, mi amor?" I asked her to repeat it.

"I'm pregnant." My hand stopped running through her hair and my eyes widened. She looked up at me and cried more, probably from the look of shock and confusion on my face.

"I- um.. how? I thought you were on the pill?" I asked in hopes to clear some of my confusion.

"When I left for filming I didn't see any point in taking it because I would be gone for three months then when I came back I forgot. I'm sorry." She cried again. I pulled her into me and let her cry into my chest.

"I'm not sorry." I told her as I kissed her head softly.

"What?" She asked in a sniffle.

"I'm not sorry." I repeated. "We always talked about having kids. Yeah, this might be a bit ahead of schedule but that's okay with me. And timing isn't the worst because you only have a few weeks left of filming and I can get time off work once I've closed this case. Captain wouldn't mind. I'm his best detective, I'll tell him if he doesn't let me have time off I'll quit. He'll allow it. Everything going to be okay, Lizzie." I kissed her forehead.

"So we're going to have a baby?" She asked with a small smile, looking up at me.

I nodded. "Yeah. We're having a baby."


"Shit. Nate! Nathan!" Lizzie panicked which got my attention.

"What's wrong, baby?" I asked worriedly.

"What are we going to tell your family? They don't even know we're together!" She said making me realise how pissed Scarlett's going to be.

"Shit. Um.. we'll just tell them. Fuck your dad gonna kill me." I laughed nervously.

"Scarlett's going to kill you first. Were telling your family first." I could tell there was no room for arguing so I just agreed.

"We should tell Scar on set. So that number 1, she knows before the rest of my family, about both things, might help a bit and number 2, there are witnesses so she won't kill me." I told Lizzie.

"Okay. We'll tell Scarlett tomorrow and your family at Sunday brunch?" My family always had Sunday brunch at my parents, to keep everyone together so nobody feels left out or drifts away. I agreed with Lizzie's plan. We decided we were going to tell Lizzie's family on Tuesday as her parents invited us for dinner then, all her siblings were going to be there too.

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