Hospital- E.O./Cast

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Background: Daniel (You) is part of the cast for the new Marvel movie, along with: RDJ, Chris E and H, both Tom's, Scarlett Johansson, Elizabeth Olsen, Florence Pugh and Brie Larson.

You visit a child's hospital, all of you in costumes, in hopes to lift some spirits.

Elizabeth Olsen X MaleReader

Warnings: mentions of illnesses

Word Count: 938

Enjoy :)

Daniel POV
We wrapped filming today but we weren't done. We all went straight from set to our cars and then drive to a local child's hospital.

I drove in my car, Lizzie in the front passenger seat and Scarlett and Chris Evans in the back. We were all still in full costume, hair, makeup, the whole lot. Like I said we went straight from filming to the hospital to surprise some of the kids.

We went to different rooms in small groups. In my group it was myself, Scarlett and Lizzie since I played Natasha Romanoff's son and Wanda's love interest in the movie.

We had around 6 different kids to visit in total and got roughly half an hour with each kid. The first 5 went well. The families were nice and the kids were exited to see us. But the last one was heart breaking.

It was a little boy, around 4 years old. When we walked into the room you could see the excitement on his face, he looked so happy. He also looked like he had no energy. It was clear as day how hard this young boy was fighting for his life. He looked so much more drained and ill then the other kids.

While Lizzie and Scar were talking to the boy, I took the opportunity to talk to his mom.

"Hi, I'm Daniel." I introduced myself. She shook my hand and introduced herself as Mary Gould, and told me that her son was called Alex. "I hope you don't mind me asking, and of course you don't have to answer at all, but what does he have? He looks so much worse than the other kids we've met. Sorry that's probably not very motivating." I let out a small nervous laugh. Luckily, she let out a small laugh too.

"It's okay, I've seen them. I know how much worse he is. He, um, he has cancer. The same as a lot of the other kids. The thing is, I can't exactly afford treatment. Without money there's nothing they can do for him accept monitor him." She let out a few stray tears. I smiled at her, comfortingly, and gave her a small hug.

"Will you excuse me for just one second?" I asked receiving a nod and leaving the room.

Lizzie POV
"Where's Dan?" I asked as I looked around the room seeing Scar, Alex and his mom but no Dan?

He came in moments after I asked where he was and walked straight to Alex's mom, handing her a piece of.. paper?

"What's he doing? He's surely not hitting on her while her son's in a hospital bed?" Scar asked rhetorically in disbelief. He better not be. I said to myself. Dan and I had been dating for a few weeks but wanted to keep it to ourselves.

The mom kept trying to hand it back to him but he denied it. Eventually, she stopped and broke down. He quickly wrapped her in a comforting hug. This man will hug anyone he sees crying or who even looks the slightest bit down. He's the most caring guy you will ever meet.

Soon after, the doctor came in telling us it was time to leave. We said our goodbyes to Alex and his Mom before going back out to the car where Chris was waiting for us.

We dropped Chris and Scarlett back at set where their cars were, I stayed at Dan's last night so he drove me this morning and I was staying again tonight so we drove straight back to his house. I've practically taken over half of his closet with my clothes now, then again his closet was half empty so technically I just filled the empty space.

"Dan?" I asked quietly as we were cuddling in bed. My head on his chest, one of my arms wrapped around his torso, while he heald me close with both his arms.

"Yes, baby." He replied, tiredly.

"What was the paper you gave the last kids mom?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.

"It wasn't paper, it was a cheque. For 250,000$. Alex's mom couldn't afford treatment for him and was struggling to feed her other two children at home. I couldn't let that happen so I helped out a bit." He locked eyes with me as he explained. My heart swelled at how much he cared. He didn't know these people and yet he gave them a quarter of a million to save their son and give them a better quality of life. "Why are you crying, baby?" He whipped a tear I didn't realise had fallen.

"I love you." I whispered before gently locking my lips with his. The kiss was filled with love and adoration.

"I love you too. Go to sleep now, it's late, my love." I smiled letting my dreams take me away.

I knew at that moment this was the man I wanted for the rest of my life. Who I wanted to meet at the alter, who's children I wanted to bare, who I wanted to meet our grandkids with. Who one day were sat together, old gray and wrinkly but still deeply in love with each other.

MCU/Cast Women One Shots - Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now